The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)

9-D Are for the use of Private Parties Items totaling $300 or less WANT ADS OUR FRIENDLY AD-VISORS WILL HELP YOU WORD YOUR AD Call Today All Of Your Classified Ads Prices of items must be in ad A0 "nt BILLED TO: 272-7 'on Rate does not apply to animals for sale THE TAMPA TIMES, Tuesday, October 25, 1977 BANKAMERjCARp1 VISA 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE 380 380 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT GENERAL EMPLOYMENT GENERAL GENERAL CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Now you can call in your classified ad until 3 00 P.M,, Monday through Friday for the next day's publication. Deadline for Sunday, 5:00 PJA. Friday Ads for Monday can be placed Saturday, 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and Sunday, 10:00 A.M.

to 1.00 P.M. Call us for Classified Display Deadlines. PHONE 272-7500 TODAY! 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE CUSTOM Made Waterbed, king size, 8125. 886-8137. DOUBLE Bed.

Innerspring mattress. Unique headboard. $50. 254 6101. WEBCOR tope recorder, $15.

8mm movie camera, proiec-. tor. 8125. 985-4840. RAMADA INN Choirs and pictures for sole, housekeeping department.

820 E. Busch Blvd. METAL Executive desk with chair, $95. Wood secretarial desk, chair, $95. Larger planter bookcase, $35.

Set business encyclopedias $10. 30 Salesman's books, $1 eoch. 255-2931. EMPLOYMENT GENERAL ADJUSTER Two telephone claims representatives needed. Property adiuster and casualty od-luster.

Florido 620 or 520 license required. Salary commensurate with experience. Call John Heinrich, Reserve Insurance Com-pony. 872-5581. WANTED, Route Salesperson to pickup ft deliver clothes.

Solary ft commission, must h. nwn truck. 232-5301. JOBS OVERSEAS High Paying Jobs Construction 8. other tie Ids Trovel Free 70 Countries CALL 879-0740 WRITE Personnel 1211 Westshore Tampa 33607 I nCEirP iAW Fee poid.

Hondle details for busy boss. Coll Anita 879-2601 Accurate Westshore. ORDER CLERK Heavy phone work, floor covering experience desirable but not essential. Call 884- 3415. OFFICE Clerk tor mall room and delivery, experience necessary.

933-4045 from DRIVERS With 1 year semi tractor trailer experience. Steady work, covering all of Florida. Apply 4am until 5pm. EOE. Commercial Carrier Corp.

5619 E. Columbus Dr. Tamoa 621-3043 TELEPHONE Personalities, people who like to talk to people. Happy, clear voices are what we are looking for. Moke appointments for our sales force.

Bonus and hourly wages for those we select. Hours 9AM-3PM, 3PM-9PM, contact Mr. Phillips ot 884-2848 between 10AM 8, 4PM. REWARDING CAREER Immediate employment. No experience, will train.

$600 per mo. 872-0851. LEARN The Lite Insurance Business! Marr vjuuvvk if you're over 18 a H.S. Grod. Metropolitan Life, Mr.

Arthur, 961-8871. EOE. WINDOW Installers or trainees needed tor Tampa Bay, Brooksville areas. Truck or car necessary, own tools required. Apply in person, E.O.E.

Nu-Air Manufacturing Virginia Hubert Drew Pork. VIVIANE Woodward, make some merry money for the holidays. Become a Viviane Woodward Beauty Advisor. For Information. 837-3579.

SECTY TRAINEE $525 Handle memos, sales reports, etc. Call Kay 879-2601. Accurate Westshore. EXPERIENCED Seomstress Tor parr Time worn, maiesnt Cleaners, 5710 E. Broadway, 626-3413.

EXPERIENCED Tank Wagon drivers needed. $5.17 per hour plus overtime. Apply Belcher Oil Co. 4111 N. Trosk.

Eauol Opportunity Employer, No phone colls. EXPERIENCED Phone solicitor, work from home or office, solary plus commission. 879-68 1 9. TELEPHONE WORK Part time days or eves. We train.

228-9392. SEWING OPERATORS Immediate openings for ex perienced power sewing machine operators, apply at Gator of Florida, Inc. 5002 N. Howard Ave. between 9AM-1PM or coll 877-8267.

WHSE PARTS TRAINEE Work Bkgr electroIt mech Wm. Flowers Assoc 259-1157 ELECTROLUX needs men and women for soles ana service. Apply at 1509 S. Dale Mobrv. Experienced Redman.

Apply in person. 5711 n. sum at. Mon-Frldoy. NEEDED 20 People inte rested in eorning $500-iooo monthly commission, spare time, promoting Fashion Jewelry.

P.O. Box 75095, Tompa 33675. FORKLIFT operator, exper ienced. Top pay ana Dene-fits. Apply 5806 N.

53rd. St. Tom Burgess. FREIGHT Handler, deck worker. Commission type compensation.

Apply 5806 N. 53rd. St. Tom Burgess. NEAT Appearing person with sales ability to drive delivery truck.

Apply 7710 S. Westshore. 9-5. 380 JANITOR-Pollsher ft woxlng earn Extra Cosh. Now pay- experienced-Hondymon.

car lng per every dono- necessory. Jones 932-5000. tions. $7 first donation, $8 NEW Groups being developed, second donation, etc. Plus i a i new wardrobe ond $7 bonus every 5th donation.

toohowing Beeline Bring Valid 10 ot Tampa FMhions Call 1-752-8754. Plosmo 1502 W. Ken- Foshions. can i oi 253-0221, New IMMEDIATE OPEN NG Donors llillilLUini I. VI iini.v ROUTE DRIVER $500mo, Rentol Agent, day duty, ex- stable co, Bntts future, No perience desired.

toy-offs here! Proven trock APPLY record wins! 870-1234 KEY 1945 N. Westshore PERSONNEL SKIP Tracer. Apply 1908 E. WE are a national collection Busch Blvd. firm looking for career experienced furniture minded people.

You will driver and delivery. Permo- moke during ng.0Op&sG0R,epei7TrinbV. ITa.c.M.i. up-malntenance for wl lounoe ond outside area. 26 GYMNASTIC Instructor, ex-hour week, 7 days.

$3 hourly. perienced necessary, part Apoly afternoons, Tanga time. 248-6835. Lounge, Courtney Campbell JANITORIAL cleaners need- Couseway next to Joponese e(J parf time evenings In Steok House. Plant City.

Floor experience NEED Experienced troctor helpful. (813)444-5112. frailer driver, run State of MANAGER Trainee tor liauor Florido. 434-4284. SIOre, $130 weekly to start plus commission.

Paid voco- MOTEL maintenance, exper- )loni hospitalization, retire- ienced preferred. Apply in ment Musf De oble to work person ot Interchange Motor or days. Apply ABC Lodge. 109 E. Fowler.

Liauors, corner Dale Mabry WELDER Fabricator, must ft Spruce, read blue prints. f-ederol tt TELEPHONE SALES Sale Corporation, 933-210B ng onty prom your home, ask for Mr. Cherry. a( your leisure. No pressure, JEWELRY.

Sell registered commission. 228-9392. fashion lewelry ft earn 'extra EXPERIENCED Cigar mo- Christmas money. 949-4790, chne r0ler or double die 886-4005, 884-8249. binder layer.

Guerrierl NEEDED: Cigar Company, 26th ft Clark PACKERS Streets. PRODUCTION WORKERS CAREER OPPTY'S ASSEMBLERS Tropicona Products, 1001 FORK LIFT OPERATORS 13th uAve rjradenton M-F MATERIAL HANDLERS JcTuluir aw" r.FUFD&L LABORERS MECHANIC wanted. Must DRpLL PREM OPERATORS have own tool, -Apply In EMAT OPERATORS person. 1001 S. Dole Mabry DRVERS SET-UP PERSON Full time port time any- oir time.

Highest earnings In AcSn from rtX'gE iffl'ft. JSS J-no. MJ Blvd. Tpo, 813-626-4177. An Eauol Qpport.

Employer. DIESEL Mechanic ft handy- man. Apply 9AM- FflOD SERVICE UNCLAIMED rUUU OLIWIOL. FREIGHT. 5001 W.

Hillsboro. MANflflFR Management Opportunities MrtllHULIV LEARN PHOTO OR SALES Aggressive vending Company No experience, we'll train om- seeking exp. ft aualified bitlous manager tor Its Tompa Bay who ar.a0J,c, nrS Food operation. Resoonsi- Qood u. billties include planning ft PCA INTX 9AM-5PM 884-7555 monagina of production ft WANTED immediately, exper- packaging for a large varl- ienced Security guard.

Must etv of tosty Sandwiches, be neat, reliable, sober, bon- meals, ft pastries. Send re- dable. Berkshire Manor sume in confidence to: Apartments, 7210 N. Manhat- Tribune Times Box B-240. ton.

PART TIME 68 DAYS "till Christmas. Need WEEKLY extra cash? Men, women ond Any 15 hours. 18 years or students. Age no barrier. No older with car ond residing experience necessary.

Part in area 4 years. Call 3-5pm, time 10AM-2PM, 5PM-9pm. 877-6553. 876-0152. II CM OWNEROperotors needed.

lYltll Must have tandem tractor. Light Industrial. Norrell offers or newer-to a variety of light industrial 'between 8 ft 5 wkdaVs Eaual Opp'ortu- ph.nebe,Wften tr.nsportatoVn! nity Employer. come ft see us. Interviews urmrn Tues.

thru Thur. 9 to 3, also DRIVERS NEEDED Sot. morning Coll UHIILIW iillkui Norrell. 872-7865. Must have some knowledge of ANTSON Motors needs gener- town.

Chauffeur's ol lot person. No exp. nec. 4511 S. Dole Mabry.

Coss- Immediate Openings in Can Mfg. Plant located in Dade City, Fla. for: EQUIPMENT MECHANICS ELECTRICIANS MACHINE OPERATORS FORK TRUCK OPERATORS GENERAL LABOR These positions available at Multi-Line Cans Inc. Dade City, Fla. Excellent wages benefits.

Applicants may apply in person to Employment Office, 307 E. Meridian Ave. (Upstairs) Dade City, Fla. An Equal Opportunity Employer. MF.

CLEAR HAPPY VOICE PLUS EVENINGS HOURS EQUALS $2.30 HR BNS CALL ANN 879-3315 STUDENTS-HOUSEWIVES Part or full time, inside soles, Hillsborough Sheriffs Lodge Show Fund. 238-3747. Aetna Life Casualty Has Immediate opening for experienced Commercial Property Rater. Salary commensurate with experience. Must be willing to work overtime.

EOE. For App't coll Cheryl Rosenblatt, 871-2699. HOUSEWIVES. Christmas Is lust around the corner. Why not coll us for a port time soles opportunity that you will love.

(84-1742. 886-1065. COLLECTION Manager. Must be highly qualified. At least 5 years exper.

with small loan, auto or collection ogency. Call Gordon Hali-burton 935-1058 READY to CHANGE your WHOLE Appt: 872-8737; 872-7301, 11AM-4PM. COMBINATION Semi Mechanic, driver. DOT Qualified. Full time work.

Occasional rips overnight delivering empty trailers. Apply 3904 US Highwoy 301 North. GAME ROOM ATTENDANTS Mature person preferred, port or full time. Mechanically inclined, prefer some Electronic knowledge. Excellent position for retired person or College student.

Interview weekdoys only 11AM-4PM. See manager, apply In person: Fun-N-Games. Eastlake Square Mall University Square Moll. EXPERIENCED milker. 6 days.

$132 plus bonus. Available 3 bedroom unfurnished house. Campoomor Modern Doiry. 2 blocks south of Stale Road 40 on US 301. SECRETARY $12,000 Fee paid.

Assistant to top exc. Call Robin 985-6744 Accurate Temple Terrace SOME of the worlds highest paid people sell insurance! Find out how! 872-8433. SMALL ENGINE MECH. Capable of setting up leasing deportment. PAINT SPRAYER $4 HR Purchasing ft Rec.

$125 up FLORA Personnel Service 870-3460 ICE Cream Truck Vendors. Phone 238-0714. HOUSEKEEPER Companion for elderly couple in apartment. Private room bath. Telephone 988-5066.

COMMUNICATION Company seeking experienced telephone answering service PBX operators. 870-2100. EXPERIENCED Frame and trim carpenters with tools and transportation. No phone calls accepted. Inquire only at iob site.

Brommer Construction Company, East Lake Woodland. SR 584, CR 77 Oldsmar. PAPER route available, good poy. Call 2-7PM only, 839-8812. LEASING AGENTS Solary ft apt utilities ft bonus.

870-3303 Shellee Personnel. LEASING AGENT $550 Experience not necessary. Show opts, etc. Coll Perk 879-2601 Accurate Westshore. Credit manager ft sales trainee Retail organization offers exciting' career opportunity to self starters who enjoy meeting 8, dealing with the public.

Prior retail experience helpful, but ability to learn quickly Is essential. Starting salary monthly plus benefits ft advancement potential. Call Mr. Catlin, ZZH-734. CAMERA person wanted.

Immediate opening for exper-. ienced camera person at Venice weekly newspaper. Call 1-484-2611 for details. TELEPHONE collection work. Apply 1988 E.

Busch HOUSEPARENTS Live-in group child care. Solary, meals, AC Apt. EOE. Chlldrens Home. 855-4435.

ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant, Immediate opening, Short- hand, number skills, deal with public. Excellent fringe benefits. 251-0684. EMPLOYMENT GENERAL SMALL ENGINE MECH. Capable of setting up leasing deportment.

PAINT SPRAYER $4 HR Purchasing ft Rec. $125 up FLORA Personnel Service 870-3440 TILTE INSURANCE CO. need receptionist and person experienced in Title Insurance processing. Excellent salary In growth; 933-7871 FULL TIME JOBS 18 Or Over Coll 229-2343 bet. 9AM-2PM 385 RESUME SERVICES Protessional Resume Service Best Resume Gets Interview Call 879-0740 MftM Personnel RESUMES professionally prepared.

Fast service. Call 935-9159 day or evening. 395 POSITIONS WANTED OUTSIDE dairy work or farm. Full time. Have family.

251-6314, Elmer Lotferty. MAN ond wife, husband retired, want lob as caretakers and managers ot mobile pork. 234-56 J. ACCOUNT, heavy CPA firm, business experience. Availa- ble part-time.

-4ij. Need a Nurse who Cares? Rns, LPNs, Nurses Aides or Male Attendants. 877-9444 Medical Personnel Pool REMODELING, Carpentry, blocks, paneling, painting, roofing. 1st Closs Estimates. 626-1521, DAY or Night work nursing home or Domestic work.

244-4432. HOME NURSING CARE When you need a nurse, nurse's aide or companion at reasonable rates. QUALITY CARE 229-1561 EXPERIENCED Perfect housekeeper desires 4 days work weekly, ajn-nnu. MAID wants apartments or houses to clean weekly. Call 885-3654.

REGISTERED Nurse would like to take care of 2 elderly people in their home or mine. 242-6541, RETIRED to Florida, woman, age 61, 30 years general office experience, employee benefits department or personnel. Full or part time. 839-4915. FOR help with your housework phone Mrs.

Sorgent 532-2211. MATURE Executive, exten- Slve OOCKgrouna Business at sales management seeks position with established firm. Will travel. Reply to Box 2435, Clearwater, Florida 33514, ACCOUNTANT Or Bookkeeper, large or small accounts. port time, nt-tin.

1st closs Roofer wonts work. Hove own equipment, 15 yrs expr Work guarn'td 233-8111 Merchandise 400-49? 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE SEWING machine. Singer, cabinet. $25. Stove, 30 drop in.

Frlgiaoire, WASHERS for rent, free service, no gimmicks, $5 weekly. 988-5zz. METAL Detectors (2), like new: Davtona, Compass Judge 1 outo. Used 5 hours each. $140 each, best offer.

933-3539, SEWING MACHINES Singer Stretch Stitch Machines $49. Guaranteed. Sewing Machine Exchange lin MacDill 879-4666 AFGHAN $40. 2 eacn, nana uuincu. AIR COMPRESSOR, 50' hose, Seors.

Pfatt 138-6 tailors sewing machine. $100 each. 884-5354. AIR Conditioner, 6,000 BTU Whirlpool, excellent condi tion, sou, tlt-ltt' AIR conditioner, window, $100 Garden tools, $10. 886-0830: Evenings iwn.

APPLIANCES, Woody's, all brands, tree delivery in delivery limits. 7604 E. Broad- woy. APPLIANCES, Washers-Ayto-maticelectric ranges. 7604, $34.50 ft uo, refrigerator, t.

7th Ave. 624-7787. BARBON Fill, 626-8286. Troctor service. Driveway, park- ing lot, black iop.

DUMP Truck tractor work. Front loader, back blade, and mower. Fill, shell, top- soil. 621-338. NELSON DesChomps, fill.

snen, yeiiow sang, Loader tractor work. 961-1215. LARGE Truck. Clean Fill, Shell, Top soil. Tractor work.

920-5966. GRECO CONCRETE 6925 E. HANNA TAX PER YARD C.O.D. 5 YDS. 2,500 PSI PH.621-602S Saturday deliveries Call lor prices 706 FIREPLACES FIREWOOD OAK Pine Firewood.

$45 pickup 1000. PINE wood $35., oak and pine $40. Pick up load, free dellv- ery. 920-5673, SPECIAL. Firewood for sole, $35 truck load, free delivery.

920-6448. SEASONED Firewood, deliv ered, oak 8. pine. ozi-iJQi. 24 HOURS Free Delivery.

Pine ft Oak, $35 pick-up load. 920-3219. FIREWOOD. Oak, pine. Free delivery Tompa, Brandon, Plont City, 1-754-6873, 710 HANDYMAN HANDYMAN.

Painting, minor repairs, yard work. Reasonable. 932-2406 HAULING, Clean up, yard work, painting, anywhere in Florida. 877-7839. 712 HAULING I DELIVERY HAULING Anything ft everything.

Reo- sonoble rates, yjz-iw TRASH Hauling and Clean Up iobs. Done fair price. 681- 3147. TRUCK tor Hire, Cleaning, Hauling, Odd lobs. Anytime.

Reasonable. 977-1830. 380 fTTTTm STOVE, gas, $100. Gas dryer, $80. Days 886-0830: Evenings 886-7124.

TELEPHONE answering system. New at dealer cost. 885-3515. TELEPHONE Answering System, Dictaphone Ansafone 590. Remote retrieval capability, $550.

Norelco Micro-cassette Dictation system, dictating, transcribing ft hand held units, $950. Leave message anytime 223-7561. TENT, large military tent. $100. 4202 12th 244-jnji TIRE ft Wheel, Chevrolet, 775x15, $15.

Stone watering trough, $10. Old fashioned Rhinestone motorized, $35. Real old Vanity, beautiful mirrors, $65. 6 Saddle blankets, $3 each. 113 S.

Armenia, rear. TRAIN. (Model), HO com plete. 4X8' table layout, 15 switches, 3 trans. 4 engines, $295.

Good condition. 689-9657 after 5PM. TRAMPOLINES 932-6917 TV 2S" RCA Color console, Guaranteed $94.95 932-7153 TV $19 DOWN Color TV. 25" Zenith console. like new.

Balance ot ji vv can be paid out $20 per month, 9 payments. Fully guaranteed. Local credit required. Thrifty TV 4703 Nebrqsko TV $15 DOWN Color TV. 25" RCA console, like new.

Balance of $159 can be paid out $16 per month, 9 payments. Fully guaranteed. Locol credit required. Thrifty TV 4703 Nebrqsko TV $9 DOWN Color TV. 25" Zenith table model, like new.

Balance of $159 can be paid out $25 per month, 6 payments. Fully guaranteed. Local credit required. Thrifty TV 4703 Nebraska TYPEWRITER Office electric, $150. Protector $35.

Manual typewriter. $30. 255-8591. UTILITY trailer, metal, 4x8x2 light. Good condition.

$175. Trade. 685-4203. Utility Buildings FACTORY SECONDS Large 7x10' 10x10' $105 GROFF INDUSTRIES 9507 N. Trask- 1 mile W.of Dale Mabry on Linebaugh Open Dally 'til 4:30 Saturday 'til Noon VACUUM cleaner.

Filter Queen, new '77 model. $165. 626-5339 Evenings. WASHER ft dryer, all cycles, excellent condition, $140. 626-3754, WASHER, General Electric, excellent condition, $135.

839-4995. WEDDING Gown size 10, veil ft shoes $75. 879-6)87. See your Firestone Store for bargains in tires, appliances, car services. 885-2725.

SCRATCH 'N DENTS, FLOOR MODELS, REPOSSESSIONS, Refrigerators, Ranges. Washers, Dishwashers, side-by-sides Prices slashed for Quick Sale! OLDT-WARING 5435 N. 56th St. 1505 S. Dale Mobrv SINGER zig zag sewing machine in wood cabinet.

$60. 884-9429. APARTMENT Washer-dryer. 19" Color TV. Hammond Organ.

2 Casual chairs. Dishwasher. 886-3221. Mattress Sets Brand new, surplus, all sizes HotelMotel Quollty. Motel 870-2233.

WATERBEDS COMPLETE FRAME LINER PAD $49.98 BARGAIN WORLD 4004 FLA OPEN 10-6 Closed Monaavs PROFESSIONAL oir lock, I'll ton, like new conamon. sjuu. 961-7222. BEDS, $10.00 up. Chests, Slj.00 up.

Living room ft Dining Room Furniture. CIlPPPinQ FURNITURE 6517 Armenia 932-9819 SPANISH Chondelier, gold leaf, 3 branch, gorgeous. $45. 877-7128. 6 DINING Room Swivel Chairs, $55.

Sears Sewing Machine like new $65. 238-8751. DECORATOR Fireplace, extras, ready to use. $200. Trade, Volkswogen.

685-4203. New brand name king size kedding $28 ea. pee. Sold in sets only. REPO DEPOT 2120 S.

MacDill 253-0654 EXPERT paper hanger, 15 years expeneni.e, un wvutn guaranteed. 920-3625. SATISFACTION Guaranteed. Painting, pressure wasning, exterior, tile roofs. Licensed.

935-1111. PAINTING, exterior ft inter ior. Reasonable rates, bso- 0887. CHEAPEST price In town. 35 Years in Tompa.

93Z-B6T. 743A PHOTOGRAPHY COMMERCIAL Photography, inausiriai ana weoems. we meet any deadlines. No lob too big. 932-4507.

745 PLASTERING PLASTERING, ft Stucco ft brick, oil types paicn worn. Licensed, bonded, 935-1453, 935-3303, 24 hours. PLASTERING ft Stucco, all types patch work, iicensea, bonded. 877-3520- STUCCO, brick, stone. Li censed, bonded, insurea.

Quality work. Estimotes. 247-41 42. For quick results when you have something to sell, use a low-cost ad in Classified. 746 PLUMBING PLUMBING Repair, remodel.

installation, call 24 nours. No overtime charges. 839- 3323. PLUMBING Repairs. Reason able.

No job too small! Past service! Phone 232-0011. PLUMBING 24 Hrs. EMERGENCY 238-8431 PLUMBING repair. Lowest price. Free estimates, can anytime, 949-7257.

PLUMBING. Best work, lowest price, call 833-6773. Free estimates anytime. 750 PUMPS i WELLS WELLS. Pumps.

Sales, Serv ice. Sprinkler systems. 24 Hour service. 876-2022. 756 ROOFING SIDING ALUMINUM Siding, roofing.

custom built fireplaces. Financing availoble. Phone 884-0597. Dinettes $69 carton ROYAL 2817 S. MacDill 839-8257 PAWNSHOP FELCO 4002 W.

Kennedy 2 FUEL Oil heaters. $30 each or best offer. 961-4989. EYE Level stove. $125.00 Maple drop leaf table, $95.00 251-3684.

King sz matt-Box spgs $100 ROVOI 2817 MCPill 839-8257 40HP, rebuilt VW engine, $200. voive seat grinder, $100. 961-7222. BLACKHAWK transmission lack, $150., 2 ton chain hoist, J5. 961-222.

WELL Pump, submersible, tank, aalvonized oioe. wir ing, 6 months old. Cost $800 Sell $500. 689-14. 30" ELECTRIC Range, Frigi daire, hurry.

$150. 253-0654. 5 PIECE bedroom suit, $150. Rocker, $25. 884-8121.

BELL CAPTAINS Approx. 80 Bell Captain LI auor dispensers. Units have small hot plate, refrig. etc For Sole as is. Call, 248-6181 Household Liquidators used turn.

Antiques Wed thru Sat 4108 W. Alva; 876-5209 INDIVIDUAL wants good. used pick-up truck, cash 935-8650. SEARS WAREHOUSE OUTLET SALE FLOOR SAMPLES USED SCRATCHED SURPLUS MDSE. 3 ea.

Free Arm Zig Zag Sewing Machine, Recond. When new 5279.95 $179.88 3 ea. Expandable Buffet Makes into dining table. New, Minor damage, Were $299.95 $119.88 2 Piece Brown Vinyl Livingroom set Sofa Sleeper Demi Sofa. New, Minor damage.

Was $990.90 Now $599.88 3 Piece Livingroom Set Brown Vinyl Chair, Ottoman. Used, When new $909.85 Now $299.88 China Cabinet. New, Minor damage. Was $450.00 Now $269.88 3 ea. Console Stereo's Recond.

When new $369.95 Now $169.88 12 Ea. Bar Stool, New, Were $29.95 Now $19.88 12 Ft. Fiberglass Game Fisher Boat With Trailer. New, Scratched Was $529.94 Now $309.88 5 Ft. Air Hockey, New Was $99.95 Now $49.88 CUSTOM KITCHEN CABINETS 50 OFF REGULAR SELLING PRICE ODD LOT SIZES.

1 Pool table 8' new, damaged, Was $299.99 Now $99.88 8 Sears best multi power Microwave oven wmeat probe, recond when new $469.95 Now $299.88 4 ea Kenmore 2 cycle portable dishwashers, When new $299.95 (2 White 2 Coppertone) Now $179.88 1 ea. 19.2 cu ft. Kenmore frostless refrigfreezer wice-maker (White) new fir model Was $579.95 Now $449.88 26 ea. New decorator used brick look 60" width fireplace (Elec. Log can be added not included) Were $169.99 Now $119.88 24 ea.

New decorative free standing modern a styling Red or Black fireplace (Elec heater log can be added not included) Were $129.99 Now $89.83. these advertised items are readily available for sale as advertised. Won, thru Sal. 8 lo 5 P.M. 1820 Massaro Rd.

off US 301 South in Krause Tama Industrial Pk. 626 6602 grovel ft roll rooting. Patch iob Specialist. 885-4581. BIG Roofing, rerooflng, carpentry, patching.

Nice clean iob. 920-2115. ROOF Repairs. Any type roof. Free estimates.

Guaranteed satisfaction before you pay. 986-1934. Irish Roofing-935-6935 All Types Roofg-Free Ests. ADnroved-bonded-insured PO-Boy Roofing, has own equipment neeas worn, mm for Bill 985-3052. REASONABLE.

All types roofing. Specialized In additions, reroofing. 932-1325, 988-4511. ROOF Repairs, carpentry repairs, hot mopping, roll roof-ing, shingles. 242-2821.

RICHARD'S ROOFING Lie. Bonded. Insured. Free est. 626-2581; 621-5353.

We Appreciate your Business OT toeorge narris Kggnnv. Always an honest Deal. In Tampa since 1928 879-0950 762 SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC Tanks Cleaned. $40. Drain lines.

Licensea, oona-. ed. 977-8932, 971-1033. Plumbing Reoair-SepticTonk Rroairs-reasonable. 238-8431 SEPTIC tonks cleaned and arains insiaiieu, 626-2462.

765 SEWING MACHINES SEWING Machine Service, Your noma, vuio. Guaranteed. Westberry, 961- 754J anvTime. Home Service. $5 parts.

20 years in Tampa, mso expert Lady Technician. Guaranteed. 961-7109. 768 SPRINKLERS GAR0EN LAWN Sprinkler Systems installed. repaired, six years experience.

References. 971-2067. 772 SWIMMING POOLS GIVE your pool a new look. redeck, retile, remarciie. Reasonable rotes.

30 years experience. We also do oil types concrete werk. 971-2897 anytime. 776 TILE Ceramic tile baths ft showers. 15 veors censed, Bondd).

$79-1607. aquarium. 15 aallons. com plete with fish. $40.

485-1405 otter AQUARIUMS. 55. 10 gallon, hoods, lights, Oyna-Flow pumps, stand. Silent Giant, diaton, filters. $150 all.

231 7884, 4-7 BABY Playpen, $12. Swinga- matic, cnair, w. waiKer, $4. 988-2583. BABY things, new, playpen $10; car seat $25; swing wolker ms-mi red.

rall-awav. $75. Dresser 4 drawers, $10. 485-4242 eve- nings. BEDROOM, Colonial, dresser -1.

h.ri ding ovoiloble' $300. 485-4387 BICYCLES: 3. bovs choppers, $10 each. 3, men's, girls, 5 speed, $3S each. (North-Swann), off Boulevard, 703 W.

Bay 51. BOOKS. World Books, Corin thian edition. 1977 set. unopened.

$290. 985-2976. BUNKBEDS I'spg Watts $118 Roval Discount Bedding 2817 S. MocDill 839 8257 BURGLAR bars, 14, iron. 66" toll.

40" wide. $25 each, pnone ni-iim. rARiNFTS. 1. metal.

$30 each. Two 8' side boxes for truck, $80 eacn. Axle wnn 1 wneeis, $35. 932-1839 evenings. CAMERA, Konica A3, extras, $250.

Battled water cooler, $40. 932-0314 otter 4PM. CAN Drink machine, 8 rocks annd ooeroble condition $125. 837-5402 Monday-Fri day AskiorjoniK CANDY Snack Machine, holds 72 pieces 01 tanay. wu.

7825. CARPET, beige plush, 4x9, shag, 10x12, padding, 175. 251 1131. CARPETS: Shags. Hilos commercial.

Below retail pad. Installation available. Remnants. 879-21v, r-JB3 CARPET, pink wool, 4x9 clean, excellent. $40.

877-7 1 28. CARPET and pad, green shag, 13x15, new, $300. 877-7128. CARPET, unbelievable low prices. In, out, $1.79, commercial $3.95 installed.

Shop ot Home. 9J5-I4. Carpet Liv, Din Rms, Hall Big 200 sq ft latest styles ft colors pad. labor $119. Lou 932-5316 CEDAR chest, wardrobe, $50 eacn.

magnus cieimiu organ. iuu. z4-uyj. CHAIR-recliner $10. stereo $20, aesk todic 99.

00- 4224. CHRISTMAS Trees, Florida Redcedar. December delivery, bundled and delivered. $4 each, quantities ot 20. 477-3543.

477-5929. SPOT ADVERTISING WORKS CLEARANCE SALE Furniture -Surplus -Damaged -Used -Floor Samples -Overstocks. MONTGOMERY WARD A. Unr. 4902 Waters Ave 884-3772 co*kE Machine, $150.

High wheel, self propelled mower, $60. 689-4924. rnwrRFTE Steps, poured in steel pons, $1.50 135). 885-42IV COUCH, 98" blue velvet, $200. Wooden kitchen coblnets, $100.

254-2591 DESK $75, Mirrored Dresser $20, Single Bed Complete $20. 874-4568. DINETTE, $15. Dresser, $10. 2 Bunk mattresses, $20.

Toy box, $10. Cypress set, $35. 977-0683, DISHWASHER, GE, portable, $75. Singer sewing machine, $25. 988-2583.

DOLLHOUSE, beautiful Colonial style. 36" wide, 36" high, 21" deep, WW carpet, wallpaper, bay windows. $100. 902 W. Alfred.

DOOR, Sliding glass, com Plete, $65. 839-4VV5. DRUM set, high hat cymbal $80. Wicker chair, $60. 961-4281.

DRYER, washer. Whirlpool, 2 months old, $400. 886-5509 after 5pm ELECTRIC fireplace, white. Need to sell. $60.

920-3409 after 5PM, ELVlS-rare original, Sun 78. $300. 621-3974. ENTERTAINMENT. Center, Color TV 67" RCA.

Excellent cond Itlon, $400. 837-9217. ETHAN Allen furniture. Child-craft. CB.

10 speed. Stereo console. TV. Zebra skin. Work bench.

Call offer 5PM 251-4565. LIGHT Hauling-Delivery. Competitive with city rates. Immediate response! 837-6816. 715 HEATER SERVICES DON'T Wait! have your heating system checked and cleaned now! Coll 239-1215.

Be Ready For Winter. Heaters cleaned, repaired. All makes. 876 9330. HEATERS Cleaned ft serviced, $15.

Repairs 24 hour service. 876-2022; CLEAN, repoir oil furnaces ft stoves. 25 Years experience. 876-3093. 723 INSULATION COLT Insulation Co.

expert insuianon ror nomes, concrete block, frame, attic, UF foam. 932-4012. 727-LAWN MAINTENANCE LAWN Core. Clean up, tree work. Reasonable.

Residential, Commercial. Phone 870-2040. CHEAP Labor. Lawns mowed ond edged. Call anytime, 233-5671.

ALOHA Lawn Care-commercial, residential. Licensed. Call 837-4985. COMPLETE Lawn care, clean up, tree work. Residential, Commercial.

932-0453. 731 MASONRY EDWARD'S Masonry, brick, block, cement, finishing. Licensed. Bonded. 870-1384, 239-9888.

BRICK and black work, patios, fireplaces, additions. 30 years experience. 932-5050. Joe's fireplaces, mosonry new, repaired fireplaces, flagstone slate firs, alterations. License bonded 872-6183 ADDITIONS, carport enclo sures ond driveways, patios.

Free estimates. 935-0062. ALL types masonry work. Fireplace a "speciality" Low cost. 681-4684.

732 MOBILE HOME SERVICES 7 YEARS experience in mov ing, blocking, anchoring, kool-seal, etc. For reasonable prices and personal assistance call 626- 7321. IS Years exp in moving, blocking, anchoring, seal Reasonable Prices 949-5433 m- FENCE 100' Chain Link $85. Free walk gate, posts. 489-0000.

FENCE ponels, 13 wooden, good, decorative, $150. 949-5575 evenings, 7-9. FENCE Instoller, 1100' new chain link, gates, posts. Install, deliver. 477-4948 after 7PM.

FIREWOOD, 3 ton pickup load. Will deliver. $50. 238-4962, 235-7784. FOOSBALL table, $60, Sewing machine with cabinet, $60.

New white toilet, $30. 884-9792. FORD Riding mower, 5HP, Good condition, $150. Trade. 685-4203 FREEZER, Large Coldspot upright excellent condition.

$125. Coll 961-5206. FREEZER Upright $85; 6 Boxes miscellaneous $24; Bor $75. 877-2928. FUEL Oil tank-stand $35; twin beds $20 each.

986-2043. FUEL Oil tank ft stand, large, $75. 839-4995. FURNITURE stripping, metal-wood. Refinishing.

Repairs. W. Chase ft Son, 2717 S. MacDill, 837-2631. GUMBALL vending machine, antique-glass globe, metal bose.

830. 985-3558. HEATER, Monogram central oil heating unit. 850. 879-0202.

Heaters, luggage trailer, co-noes, motors Arts 9608Neb HEATER Colemon, complete. $65. 21" RCA Color, $90. Excellent. 932-3473.

(13) 37x50 JALOUSIE windows, all glass to go with them, 5 Mulls. $3.50 each. 876-8959. LAWN Mower, Lawn Boy, 21" blade $100., gold couch and chair $100., bunk beds, 4 mattresses $100. 621-7495.

LIGHTING Fixtures, electrical supplies, new. Low Prices. White, 1204 W. Waters Ave. LIGHTS Quartz, eight 1500w bright, economical.

Cost $o00, sell $300 including wir- ing. oov-n. MINK Stole-14 natural let out Skins, $500. 988-4748. MOVING, living room, dinette, everything must go! 879-5114 after PAINT BELOW COST Natl Brands, Ext, Int Latex, colors, white $2.49 gal liquid olum $4.95, varnish $4.95 Mildew resistant Outside white $4.95 Fiberglass resin $7.95 gal.

3602 E. 7th Ave. 241-2301 or 247-3719 PAINT-PANEL-RESIN All at good prices. 5120 Rear, Fla Ave 2JO-UUI. PIANO, church selling used upright with bench, $100.00.

Coll 886-3878. PING Pong Table, $35. Coleman grill, $75. Trombone. $30.

932-01 29 POKER table. Unique! Custom mqde for Home Show. Cabinet base. $500. 884-0894, weekends, evenings.

POOL Toble, 8' slate top, good condition, $95. 481-2521 Eve nings. POOL table, Brunswick, slate, 4X8', all accessories. $400. 884-7795, REFRIGERATORS: Frigi-daire, $75.

Admiral, frostfree $68. Saxophone, $75. 872-6574. REFRIGERATOR, frostfree, 17 cubic foot, excellent condition, 8130. 626-3754.

RIDING mower, horsepower, electric start, excellent condition, 8250. 677-7250. SEATS, theotre, 80. $150 complete. Good condition.

996- 3151 SEWING Machine, heavy duty with cabinet. $35. Excellent condition. 884-2869. SEWING MACHINES (TRADE-IN CLEARANCE) SINGERS 1977 ATHENA 2000 (Electronic) $588.40 Futuro-Complte $194.60 GOLDEN Touch 'n Sew $119.00 TOUCH ft SEWS Like New Monv, many more.

Cosh or monthly terms. 932-2500. THE SEWING CENTER 9310 N. FLORIDA AVE. (FLORILAND MALL) OPEN 10AM to 9PM SKIS, Kneissl 130 with binders, ski boots, Henke size 11, With PQieS.

$100. 961-UJBZ. SOFA, Contemporary, $150. Pinboll mochine, $50. Reducing Vibrator, $50.

949-1706. LONG distance moving wanted. Northern U.S. Reasonable rates. 513-422-3976.

MOVING, Hauling, Since 1958. Large or small iobs. Elliott, 988-1448. 20' ENCLOSED truck ft driver. $8.50 per hour 15c per mile.

Service 24 hours, 7 days per week. 685-9361. LOCAL Moving, home, apartment, and offices. No lob too blg-too small. 986-2958.

BILL'S Thrifty moving. Local-long distonce. Apartments, Offices, 239-1335. 734-MOWING COMMERCIAL Mowing with tractor and Bush Hog. No lob too big.

685-2043. 740 PAINTING PAPERING REPAIfJS PAINTING, interior, exterior, 27 years experience, free estimates. Phone 257-0031. BILL'S Painting, interior, exterior. Licensed, Bonded.

Reasonable. 933-1043. PAINTING. Interior and Exterior. Minor Repairs.

Work- ing Man's Prices. 9I-56Z2. SHERWIN-Wllllgms Point. uufsiae Trim, iu. Mny room, any color, $25.

All work pressure washed. Residential, commercial. Free estimates. Please Call 885-3986. PAINTING, repairs, pressure washing.

Excellent work, 30 years. Reasonable. Monte, 884-5748; PROFESSIONAL Paper Hanging, Wallpaper books. 961-6570 or 949-7859. EXPERT paper hanger, work guaranteed 1 year.

Free estimates. 877-1023. 839 7691, RUSS Cox. Painting, Papering. 22 years Tompa.

Free Estimates. VIRGIL Logan ft Sons Paint- ina conrracror. cxienor 01 interior peinnng. eu-j, CftA professional Painting, reosonoble prices, work guaranteed 3 years. Pressure washing.

Evenings, 626-8542. INTERIOR ft Exterior painting, generol repairs, free estimates. Anytime 238-5594, 935-0289. INTER lOR-Exterior, beat any written estimate, free pressure wash, free estimates, residential, commercial. Travel anywhere.

Devoe-Sherwin Williams paint. 677-9146. WANT ADS-QUICK RESULtS WILL buy your appliances and air conditioners. Work-ing or not. 626-3754.

FACTORY CLOSE-OUT 10x20' Aluminum polio-carport $99.95. Screen rooms sheds window awnings anything aluminum 2'nds ft price sheets coils, various sizes colors. U-get lowest prices In Fla. Dealers welcome. Open Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 8-12, Sun 1-5.

Daly Aluminum. 7 mi. no of Clearwater on US 19. 229-2230; 949-1014 TWO 5 ton compressors, like new. 3 months old.

877-7664. Trade old Christmos presents tor new. Art's, 9608 Neb SPIRIT duplicator, $40. Jo-Carols Pre School, 238-7010. Tompo's Lowest Bedding Prices.

New Full size sets Ph. 839-8257. ROYAL 2817 S. MocDill FANTASTIC TV BARGAINS! 21" Solid State Color $398 19" Solid Stote Color $348 23" Solid Stote Color $498 25" Solid Stote Color $548 Microwave oven, sove uo to $100, Washer Dryer, $388, 17' Whirpool Refrigerator, slightly damaged $328, Freezer 12 cu. ft.

Upright. $228. CHRISTIE'S 685-4544. Sofa Beds NEW. Must dispose $87.

ROYAL 2817 S. MacDill 839-8257. 5 pee. maple dinette $99. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT, 837-0506.

18 USED Worm Trays. $65. 961-8711 mornings. KELLOGG Americon air compressor, hp. $150.

8 track, tape, $20. FM 8 track $45. Dog box, $25. 677-1321. UTILITY Trailer (open top), 4X8X4, excellent condition, $185.

835-2781. 639-8816. BEDDING $19 ea. pee. 8, up UNCLAIMED 83 7-0505 12" TV, $34; 13" Color Port.

$100. 831-1381. HYGAIN 8 base station AM, 5 band, antenna. $200. 621-7282.

BARGAINS In new appliances ot De SEARS, Britton Plaza, 681-4871. EXCELLENT 100 yards sculp- tured corpet, big pieces, 1 year old was $17.95 yard now $3. Green, gold, brown; 932-4193 4 CUT RATE PLUMBING Formica Tops $3.75 ft, 3 pc bathrm set $89.50 complete Sol's Trading Post 3822 E. Breodwov 243-2411. PAWN SHOP 1104 FRANKLIN Til new and repair.

50 years experience. 879-0694. 782- TREE SERVICE HUB'S Tree Service. Trimming, topping. Firewood.

Stump grinding. 884-2285. 251-1808. BILL'S Tree Service. All types of tree trimming and tree removal.

Licensed, insured. 24 years experience. 884- 7189. BIG Tree Service, re-. moving, trimming, tractor work, mowing.

920-2115- TREE Trimming ond removol. Reasonable and relioble. Barnhlll. 621-8231. GENERAL Tree Work, li censed, 12 yedrs experience.

Free estimates. 864-9237. HAROLD'S Tree Shrubbery. No iob too small. Free estimotes.

259-1005. 785 TYPING EXPERIENCED Prolessionol. All phases typing, anytime. Compose resumes. Reasonable.

251-6331. WILL pick up. deliver policies, manuscripts, statistical typing, etc. 886-0881. 7E UPHOLSTERING GARY'S Upnolsterv.

Quolity work, prices you can otford. 949-7379. 949-411. COX Upholstery ond Drapery, rree esiimare, gumumew service. 885-3262, 985-5685.

795-WINDOWS LftM Window ond Screen Repairs and Replacements. 839-6111. TO LIST YOUR SERVICE CALL fS5p) 272-7 BQO VlnflMMi 13UUWLllii aUUUls 1 I 7tt MftVING TRUCKING STORAGE 1 740 PAINTING PAPERING REPAIRS I 756 ROOFING i SIDING I 775 TILE 658-ACCOUNTING 678-BULLD02INC 685 CARPET SALES I INSTALLATION 689-C0NCRETE-STUCC0-BBICK TERRY'S Corpet Sales. I will CONCRETE Driveways, 4 ComS.kektrB to', inTuM vour used carpet. service.

Business-Individual. Leader, Dozer. Coll 986-1955. mmo per square foot. 229 6T.

872-0186. 251-2729 CLEARING, grqding, loader, CARPETING, all styles below mmr OTWim trucks, removals, fill, shell. PJif 693 DRAFTING SERVICES 661 AIR CONDITIONING HEATING Free estimates. 626-8739. lotion.

After 3PM, Gary 933- ARCHTECTURAL student, TjEpTlRSOnuirTondT Corpet Liv, Din rms, Hall big drafting! tioning, heat pumps, ond re- 200 sq ft lotest 977-1528 trigeration. 24 hour service. CREATIVE Cabinets. Custom, bod, labor $119. Lou 932-5316 etc.

tvenings 25 years experience. 876- kitchen cabinets, vanities. 3093. etc. Free estimates.

933-2187. I I 696 ORAPERIES HEAT Air conditioning. Coll ALLMICA Designs. Custom InStatler haS 1.000 VtlS. p.oneer CLEANERS Orig nowl Guaranteed quality mode kitchen cabinets.

Von- nr. service. W.s. bookcases, remodeling. HEAVY SHAG VSTSrtSf 662 ALTERATIONS, DRESSMAKING CUSTOM cabinets; special.z- CARPET 253-3323 FRAN'S Alterations, ladies SUta'Sr.

MhwrilS Am'Sm $6i0 per yd includes 698 DRYWALL S2ft. SS5f CUner installation. HANGING, Finishing, sprayed Mtll7lc.n.,C. acoustical, texturing, paint- ca iinuiNIIU 932-813 alter OP ing. Reosonoble.

Quolity 682 CARPENTRY 1 workmanship. 689-8903. CARPENTRY, room additions. 685A-CARHT-VINfl INSTALLATION 700 ELECTRICAL SERVICES fSw i Fo? Htl ing. Floor leveling Termite FLOOROLOGIST" Expert ELECTRICAL Services you estimates, phone Lou Bowen, oa'rsj hung ond floor installation.

Carpet, con rely on. Services uo- 839-4847 Anytime. tnes, vinyl. Free estimates. graded, air conditioners 1 339-9290.

wireq, reooirs, etc. immedi- ippi ikHCt kmips ADDITIONS. Carports, etc. ate response, free estimates. mmm Remodeling All types.

Refer- 688 CLEANING SERVICE A-332. 876-9126. MOBILE or Residence e.terl- AMPERE ELECT Service $4. 949-5305. HOME repairs and remodel- or washing.

Pressure 086-3914 112 estimote- Donrl2rbert 920-3856reS HOME OR BUSINESS t7 icwuiT Mum" 949-3992. "Value Don Herbert. yzo-38. charge 667-ASPHALT PAVINu Guaranteed." DONNA'S Cleaning Service. CABOT PAVING LOW prices Quollty work.

"B.e's0 All phases of electrical serv- ASPHALT! CONCRETE! Hundreds of re erences. Ad- tial commercial. Licensed. reBolredi trouble- FREE WORK ditions. remodeling.

886-9101. 932 -6087. shooting, specializing In res- ESTIMATES GUARANTEED ROOM additions, remodeling, TaTTniZTmT identiol wiring, old or new. 886-3048 corport enclosures, repairs, 688 CUNlKt 1 1 I MUM HKim Prompt, dependable service. TOWN N' Country Pavina As- general contracting.

Call mmmmm Free estimate. A class-A 886-4631. AL1. ose, carpentry, s- 'SJ5XSXL "i pended ceilings, commercial Tommy, 935-7943. mi rcurrc "BUILDING CONTRACTORS

Phone 238- STUCC0Y; bnct ADDITIONS remodeling. CARPENTRY, Pointing, pan- Fr MAM Fence cempanv u- aclasis: s'bL 886-9101. 886 4232 Driveways. Block work. 935-15.

GENERAL Contractor Malar IHE Fr estimates. 93S-14S3, COLEMAN Fence. 48" Chain 'fZtttWWlZ W5-3303 (24 Hours). link $1.40 per foot. Installed.

vide plans. 626-9426. Carpprt enclosure. Door, POOL Decking, Potios, "7': Your construction needs. Go- Aluminum siding.

Licensed. Drives, Brick work. Stucco, Professional Fencing. rages, additions, carports, 626-1581. I'l'h, 'LJS-SS 8542 new homes.

Free est. PH CARPENTRY- Knowledoeoble Bonded. 961-6925. ness. Reasonable.

626-8542 961-6420 C8.M Bldrs of Tampa Corpenter at Reasonable ROOM additions, patio, Inc. Serving Tampa area Hourly rote 977-1091 drives, walks. Large or since '63. framing sub contractor We ,77 01w- 70S FILL DIRT ADDITIONS, carports en- Custom remodellno Room CONCRETE poured and fin- fep'0rfcVnseTBdern Dwkevers. 932-3926.

mmmm QUALITY concrete work, all T' FLOORS LEVELED -carpet cleaning r. General Repairs. From found- BEST Way Carpet Shampoo 21. Harmon 886-0263 otions to roofs 885-4219 fj ROOM additions, corport en- StSn ADDITIONS Remodeling. "oh residential.

886-509. closures, drlvewoys, potios, Custom Homes' "st McOUFF Corpet Cleaning. ony type home remodeling, peat. Tractor! State I certified generol con shampooing methed. corpentry, custom FILL Dirt.

Delivered Reason- tVocte FrMstlMteaH3- wter removal, fireplaces. Call Marie 884- oble rotes. MU-2384, leave 28 238-6431. 1588. message.

To plan a dassifitd od, call 272-7500 To kill an od, la cormt or ad, for adjustments, coll 172-7500.

The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.