The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)

400 ARTICLES FOR SALE 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE 395 POSITIONS WANTED THE TAMPA TIMES, Friday, May 20, 1977 To Hoc. An Ac). To Kill, Corrtct, Adjust. Coll 17-7SOO. 405 ART PAINTINGS-Orig oils, $14.95 up-for any decor, taste.

Art puuiique rioriianq vj-bois DOROTHY Doughty Sclssor-toil Flycatchers, white, signed, numbered. Box. By appointment. 988-8700. 406 JEWELRY CASH IMMEDIATELY For DIAMONDS, Fine lewelry Gold-Sterling-Pocket watches Be Sure To Get Our Offer A.

TIFANEY 935-0183 VERY unusual and attractive gold nuggets mounted on ring and matching Man's watch. Appraised value $2,000. Make offer. (813) 782-7598 Zephyrhills, leave number. Want Ms 272-7500 407 DIAMONDS CALL ANYTIME: I will buy jewelry, diamonds, silver.

Best prices-Cash! 985-2891 rtu luucniATci For DIAMONDS, Fine lewelry Gold-Sterling-Pocket watches Be Sure To Get Our Offer iii-aney 935-0183 Arthur Yates Son Jewelers Buys, Sells 4, Trades previously owned 4, estate lewelry of oil types. 2202 S. -uic muory, 3-io. 2 MEN'S dlomond rings. 16 cluster diamond (1 carat) 4 one solitoire (carat plus).

238-5952. 408 STAMPS COINS BOOKS CASH for Coins, Stomps, Diamonds, Silver 290-3)5 Roberts Stamp Coin Antique ijqj 3. uuie nnoory 3l-ljy We Pay more. Coins, Stomps, Silver 300-325. NE Coins, P.O.B.

20925, St Pete 33742; Ph 1-576-3522. Will travel UNIQUE Collection Call soon. Market is highly speculative. 935-4710. STAMP Collection, uncanceled plate block, singles, stomp olbum, $65.

949-2368. 410 FURNITURE-SALE NEW Sofa and chair set, must sell. Moving. $150. 971-596).

SOFA, chair, coflee toble $75. Pole lomp $7. Queen yellow velvet headboard $25. Excellent. 932-2938.

SINGLE bedroom set, almost new, $120. Call 885-1997. DOUBLE bed, $35. Dresser, mirror, $35. Love seat, $3.

935-6452. TWIN bedroom set. Mattresses, box springs, dresser. $100 complete. 238-2600.

LIVING, dinette, double-twin bed suites, end tables. 3613 Cleveland, l-4pm, Saturday, Sunday, 932-5774. FRENCH Provincial bed dresser, perfect condition. $200 total. 961-6253.

401 AUCTIONS ABSOLUTE AUCTION Real Estate Antiques MAY 21st-1 1 AM AUCTION MELD UNDER TENT-RAIN TO Preview: MAT 20, 1977-10 AM to 4 PM Location: Corner of Gilchrist First Street Boca Grande Gasparilla Island. We will sell 220' of Gulf frontage offered in 3 different parcels, Improved with a 7 bedroom, bath home, with 3 fireplaces, lovely solid cypress paneled Florido room; plus a bedroom efficiency, bath house and swimming pool. Landscaped with tropical plants plus the contents of the home. Among the antiques to be sold are: a Spanish side table, C. 1750-1800, Spanish library table, small bachelor's chest, set of painted Chippendale choirs, deacon's bench, Jopaned table, 3-drawer antique chest, chest on chest highboy.

(All these items are are pre-1 800 s) For further information contact: HIGGENBOTHAM REALTY, INC. Florida Roglitwrad al Estate Brokor 1 702 Edgewood Drive 33803 (813)688-6094 EMPLOYMENT GENERAL ORGANIST, ehelr director for growing progrom. Challenging, innovating. Port time. Send resume, Church Of The Ascension, 700 Bay Ave.

Clearwater. CASHIERS and stock help for convenience store chain. Nfght work, oolygraph reauired. Interviews. Tuesday.

Wednesday and Thursday. 9914 Nebraska. AMBITIOUS ladies, part-time, no investment. Sarah Con- ventry Jewelry. 932-mbu.

MAINTANENCE man immediately. Port time, rent free in I bedroom oportment in exchange for plumbing electrical services on ooartment. Non drinkers. 251-9124. 218 S.

Hyde fork Ave EXPERIENCED Aluminum salesperson ond installers wanted. Aluma World, 971- 0033, 986-3072. iiidcd cai Ft PFR50N The Greot Pants Factory, Girls Guvs Jean Shop is looking for an aggressive, sharp, self starting sales person, rapid advancement to management. 930 E. Fowl er Ave STATION attendant for mid shift.

Apply 4747 Gondy Blvd. dai iurc ri PPV With bonking knowledge to work evening shift. Good with numbers and odding machines. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR 2 To 3 veers exper. on IBM 129, flexible hours, good benefits.

Flagship Services, Gloria Garcia. 224-2262. E.O.E. MF. INSURANCE CLERK Peninsula Motor Club (AAA), has on immediate opening for on Individual with previous insurance experience typing skills.

For appointment please call 872-5071. TEXTILE Outlet needs Manager Trainees. Must hove Retail Sales experience. 933-6602. DRIVERS NEEDED Must have some knowledge ef town, Chauffeur's license.

Apply in person. United Cob, 1701 W. Cess. ROCK Group needs song writer, producer, choreogropher ond wardrobe people. (813)626-7386, (813)328-8267.

EXCELLENT PART TIME NIGHTS It you are presently employed need extra money, we hove the perfect part time lob for you. Soiory plus bonus leods to earnings 14-15 per hour. Part time nights until and Saturday mornings. All work done bv phone from our office In Tampa. For Interview oppointment call John Shelton, 837-9514 between 5PM-9PM, Monday-Friday.

GET IN On the ground floor, 1200-1400 per week possible with Kirby. New office now open. Call 239-1244 for interview. No exp. necessory.

GOOD iob opportunity for experienced help in new tire retread shop on Florida West coast. Send resume to Tribune-Times Box U-246. BIOMEDICAL REPAIR Mature person looking tor future In medical repolr. Electronic mechanical background necessory. Knowledge of respiratory high-pressure equipment Important.

Reply Tribune Times Box G-232. I NEED 200 ORANGE PICKERS. Paid dally. 689-2263. TOMATO pickers wanted Immediately.

Paid dally. 677-2946. RADIO station needs telephone operators for "Jock-pot Apply in person, 9-5. 9350 Boy Plata Blvd. Route 60 behind Ra-mado Inn East In Tampa Control Park.) Suite 107.

No Experience Necessory. WILL Train persons with sales experience os Interior decorator. 985-1697. DELIVERY men needed. Must know Tampo orea.

Small car helpful. Apply in person 9-5. 9350 Bay Plaza Blvd. Route 60 behind Ramoda Inn Eost in Tampa Central Park.) Suite 107. 20 SALESPEOPLE.

Telephone sales. Start Immediately, Apply 3405 5. Dole Mobry. STUDENTS 20. Start pari time now, full time this summer.

Apply at, 3405 S. Dole Mobry. PART time Cashier, no nights, no Sundays. Apply 602 Franklin. RUBBERMAID Party Plon.

Top commission. No collecting! No delivering! 689-6745, ran Gregos. MANAGER Snoop Shop. Ce-ramlcHydrocal experienced. Apply In person Monday or Wednesday 7-9 or Saturday.

8824 N. 56th St. EXCELLENT second income without leaving your arm choir. Send self addressed stamped envelope to Catherine L. Jackson, 920 York Dr.

Brandon, Fl. 3351 1. EXPERIENCED tractor trailer drivers. Apply only on Wednesday May 25 at Tampa Form Service. Hoynes Rd.

Dover. Driving test will be given, DIRECTOR of construction to handle several subdivisions for National Builder, Must be experienced In all forms residential construction. All replies confidential. Send resume to: Tribune Times Box V-247 SENIOR Cltliens Only. Hus-bond 4 wife needed to operate 10 unit Motel.

Furnished Apt included plus salary, For appointment call 879-1670. EXPERIENCED Building superintendent for large Condominium protect in Clearwater area. All replies confidential. Send resume to: Tribune-Times Box W-248. COMBINATION welder-fitters, some mechanical experience preferred.

Must have telephone and transportation. Call for Interview, 253-6031. BULLDOZER Operator to do fine grade, operate pav-looder I drive truck; 689- 8762 JEWELRY CAREER OPPORTUNITY The world's largest ieweler hos openings tor management trolnees. Career minded, aggressive people can have a rewarding career with Zoles. We will train you to become 0 professional retail Ieweler.

Full compony benefits. Starting salory approximately 17,000 per yeor based on a 48 hour week. Apply In person at 2ales, Westshore Plata and Tampo Bay Center. DUCT board mechanic needed. Soiory open according to experience.

Call I- 752 3521. EXPERIENCED Single ond double needle operators. Apoiv to Boy Sportswear Building, 4607 N. Lolt Ave. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Florida Steel hat good paying jabs open right now, II you are seeking a good job, with good benefits, you should come tea us.

We have the following jobs PLANT HELPER both day and afternoon shifts $4 17 per hour (afternoon shift premium 1 2c per hour.) TRACTORTRAILER DRIVER must be experienced $4.88 per hour. Apply 9 a.m. 1 2 noon this Saturday or 8 a m. 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

FLORIDA STEEL 1 100 Criant Road An Equal Opportunity Employer MF 380 410 FURNITURE-SALE Largest-best selection of Quality used furniture in town Penny Pinchers 165T6 Florida Ooen Mon. Sat. 9-6. FORMICA Dinette table 4, 6 choirs $44 REPO DEPOT 2120 S. MacDill 253-0654 4 drower chests, from $15.

Box spring mattress $15. Corner sofa with table, S45.1 Dinette suite with 4 chairs. $25. Bay Mart. 6517 N.

Armenia, 932-8656. RECLINER Beautiful fabric finish $69 REPO DEPOT 2120 S. MocDIII 253-0654 EARLY American couch, matching chair, coffee all. 681-3374. SOFA-bed and chair, $75.

Black recliner, $30. Cherry coffee, $25. Chest-drawers, SIS. 886-2944. 5 PIECE bedroom set, Good: condition $200 total.

988-ei21. 2 BEOS, mattress 4, box, springs, sofa, chair, Never, used. 935-3661. HOUSEHOLD furniture, must-sell all. 1714 N.E.

238-9308. DINING Table ond Chairs' 1 $40.00 112 S. Delaware. 1 SOFA bed, matching chair, chest ot drawers, 2 occassional chairs, 5113 20th Street. Soturdoy 11 to 4PM.

TABLE, Barrel, with 5 $150. 985-4929. FURNISHINGS 2 bedroom oportment including piano. 886-9050 Davs, 884-4436 evenings. KINGSIZE Bedroom Suit $50, Corner Custom 837-1832.

BEDROOM Suit, Solid Pecan, triple dresser, hutch mirror, $140. Floral Sofa-bed, $60. 837-1632. BOOKCASE $17; table, chairs, $56; TV credenza night-stand $17; end table $10. 886-9744.

DINING Room suite, couch, bedroom suite, double bed, mottresses. 932-9645. ANTIQUE Cane bock living room suit, dining suit 301 W. Crest. 2 CUPBOARDS, oiled walnut, cane door, excellent, $100 each.

949-4573 EARLY American Sofa, new condition, $100 or best otter. 251-6174. SPANISH couch and chair, round cotfee table. $85 all. 877-1549.

COLONIAL Maple drooleaf dining room toble, Excellent condition, $90. 837 3930 BLACK Nougohyde Mediterranean style sofa-recllner, like new, $185. 935-9343. CORNER Group, Blue Floral design, $80 like new. 837-4435.

THE WATERBED ROOM7 Formerly Beonbag and Woterbed store. 9017 N. Florida Tampa, Northgote Snooping Center. Largest selection of Waterbed turni; ture in the oreo. 932-8276.

TWO Sleeo Couches Wood frame sectional sofa. $100. 885-3609. 401 AUCTIONS Diagonal Drama! Printed Pattern r.hl, i Chic tunic plus pants! pattern Dept. co Dept.

17 St NfW n1 100U ml mutt, im mm. ANSWER to inflation-sew and save dramatic dollars' Send lor NEW SPRING-SUMMER PATTERN, CATALOG. Clip coupon for free pattern! Separates, jumpsuits. day evening dresses. Send- 75( Instant Sewing 00 Sew I Knit Book $1.25 Instant Montr Crafts $1.00 Instant Fashion Bwk $1.00 I i i in -1 ml-- "-ef VACUUM, Kirby.

1972 Model, nearly new $190. Eves, weekends 626-5339; WAREHOUSE Sale. 7933 N. Armenia. Drug store eaulpment, metal shelving units, gloss showcases, display coses, etc.

Everything must go. 935-0722. WASHER, Convertible, apartment size, excellent condi- tion. Gold. $85.

COII 621-3813. Inr rani. vfpeklw No gimmicks. Free service. 988-5722.

WATERBED. queensize. $40 or best offer. Call Susan, 974-4670, 971-4482. YARD Sale.

2628 W. Palmetto Street. Furniture, heater, miscellaneous items! YARD Sale. 4411 Kelly Rd. Town 'N Country.

Saturday 21. See your Firestone Store tor bargains in tires, appli-onces, car services. 885-2725. SCRATCH 'N DENTS, FLOOR MODELS, REPOSSESSIONS, Refrigerators, Ranges, Washers, Dishwashers, side-by-sides-Prices slashed tor Quick Sale! OLDT-WARING 5435 N. 56th St.

1505 S. Dole Mabry WHIRLPOOL washer 8, Dryer beautiful Harvest Gold 18 lb. capacity both $349 REPO DEPOT 2120 S. MacDill 353-0654 Mattress Sets Brand new. surplus, all sizes HotelMotel Quality.

Motel 870-2233. WHIRLPOOL Trash compactor I only $99 REPO DEPOT 3120 S. MocDIII 253-0654 Used Campground 4' Tablet Wseots, $15. Son-Mar Travel Park, US 19, 3 Ml. no of Hudson.

(813) 868-2285. GE Front loader auto, dishwasher 1 only $125 Fully Guar. REPO DEPOT 2120 S. MacDill 253-0654 BEADED wedding dress. Size 9, 2 lace veils.

$75. 872-6746. HOOVER MINI Washer 1 only $69 REPO DEPOT 2120 S. MacDill 253-0654 New bucket seats for boots vans, $56 a set. Barter Trad ing post, 971-5555 FISHER QUAD- 674 system 4 Fisher XP-65k speakers.

1-510 BSR turntable wShure Mag. cartridge, $700 value 1 only $349 Fully Guar. REPO DEPOT 2120 S. Mac-Dili 253-0654 Sofa Loveseat choir traditional, Herculon, sel $298. 837-0506 Early 20th Century Walnut Twin Bedroom Suite In Prime Condition and other Fine Traditional Bedroom Furniture; Unique Oak Corner Whot-Not Stand; 2 Handsome Welman Leather Too Mahogany Commodes Many More Traditional Occasional Tables; Large Victorian Walnut Secretary; Unusuol Fancy Mahogany Vitrlne Table; Chinas Buffets; 2 Excellent Ducan Phyte Dining Tables; Oriental Rugs; Variety of Desks; Mony Interesting Foot Stools 2 Warehouses select used Antique Furn.

HOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATORS, 4108 W. Alva, 10-5 Wed thru Sat. 876-5209. "OUR 19TH YEAR" Carpets 9x12 $29; larger sites. Unclaimed Freight, 3616 S.

Dole Mobry Auto Air repaired whlle-u-woit Terrell White 2120 S. MacDill 253-0654 Recliners New $49 up Unclaimed Freight 3616 S. Dale Mabry Must dispose Sofa Beds $68 Royal 2817 S. MacDill 839- 82 5 7 FACTORY CLOSE-OUT 10x20' Aluminum patlo-carport $99 95. Screen rooms sheds window awnings anything aluminum 2'nds Vj price sheets coils, various sizes colors.

get lowest prices in Flo. Dealers welcome. Open 7 days Mon-Sat 8-6 Sun 1-6. Daly Aluminum. 7 mi no of Cleorwater on US 19.

229-2230; 949-1014. Must dispose 12 sets ful si. bedding Innso $58 set Royal 2817 S. MacDill 839-8257 WATERBEDS COMPLETE FRAME LINER PAD $49.88 BARGAIN WORLD 4004 FLA OPEN 7 DAYS 10 to 6 Twin Innso. set tr.

$56 Royol 2817 S. MacDill 839-8257 ZENITH 23" console color $199 Fully guor. REPO DEPOT 3120 S. MocDIII 253-0654 High Riser wMott's $118 Rovol Discount Bedding 2817 S. MacDill 839-8257 23" QUASAR Color Fully automatic fully guaranteed 1 only $249 REPO DEPOT 2120 S.

MacDill 253-0654 DINETTES 149-1169. Chrome 8, wood set. 837-0506. MAYTAG Heavy duty auto washer 199 Fully Guar. REPO DEPOT 2120 S.

Mac-Dili 253-0654 Maple BR dresser, hdbrd, chest 199. 837-0507 3000 watt light plont 1250. Drill press 145 Arts 9608 Neb. BEDDING $19 ea. pee.

up 837-0505 Dir. Bunk Beds I'spg Mali's $111 Royal Discount Bedding 2817 S. MocDIII 839 8257 Pit groups-fur. uo. 837-0505.

HOUSE Yard sole. All electrical, TV's, stereo's, speakers, working non working. Hundreds of good things. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 2002 Clarice Cir. 626-0263.

KING bed. frame, Brass HB. Left in LA ossume bal. of $361.92. 837-0505 WIZARD sewing machine, $100.

Dinette set, $60. 238-3429, alter 4PM. Mediterranean BR. Left in LA. Assume bal.

of $309.92. 837-0505. EXCELLENT! Crib, mottress, dressing table. $75 all. After 5 258-2211.

QUEEN bed, frame, HB. Left in LA. Assume bol, of $143.94 837-0505 140' Of 4' GALVANIZED Fence. Rolls posts Includ-ed. $200.

872-6862, ROUNDfeherrv dining toble, $150. 11 interior doors, $35. 988-3081. 4 CUT RATE PLUMBING Formica Tops $3.75 ft, 3 pc bathrrn set $89.50 complete Sol's Trading Post 3823 E. Brpodway 243-2411 WOOD Ice Box, good condition, $195.

935 5685. POTTER'S wheel, $250. Klin, $150. Mexican hand carved dining chairs, $30 eoch. Walnut secretory desk, $121.

985-1597 10-5. ANTIQUE Chair, 115, Mirror $10, Girli 20" bike 115 177-4400. REALISTIC TRC-55 Base station, Astra Plane gntenna. $185. 689-7765.

OFFICE storoge cobinet. heavy duty metal, lock, excellent, 877-7)21. COFFEE Maker, wardrobe suitcase, movie protector, movie comerat, new trousers, new tenor so no-phone, new router, new printer calculator, 3M cooler, transcriber. Weekdays after 6, weekend all doy. 949 4335.

I TON '67 Fard, '69 Motorcycle, 8x24 trailer, 15' trailer, air compressor, 6' of scaffolding. 961-6713. USEO commercial carpel for sale. Moke otter. Call 977- 7717, ANTIQUE oval table, heavy, clow feet, reflmshed, $125.

877-7128J CUSTOM made plesogloss Grandfather clock. Cost 81200, sell 8200. 238-7010. POOL Table $50. Pool table, 150, needs fell cover.

677-5178. 2 RACING Corts Accessories, Electric Self Cleaning ronge, Froslfree refrigerator I freeier, matching toilet 1 sink, two fans, professional boxing geor, barrel furniture tow bor. 935 1632. CAPTAINS chairs (4) upholstered, bridge, dining, rejection, excellent, 140. 877-7178.

LIVING Room $75, Wolerbed $100. Lomp $10, dishes $8 97)2874. OFFICE payment counter or bor, walnut formica, new, $60. 177-7)2). SEARS WAREHOUSf OUTLET ST0BI Floor Samples Used Scratched Surplus Mdie Mm.

tent Sot. -1 te Ml. Mossere 14. etf lli. 301 fauitk tnyu tM I.

Mmtriol Fl. 426-4602 GARAGE SALE 3903 DALE Moving. Sale on furniture, antiques, guns, tools, dishes, miscellaneous. Thur-Fri-Sat, 9 to 5. GARAGE sale, 4 families, urn arena stroller, wonder! norse, aquarium, dining chairs, chaise, curtains, sofa, china, men's clothing, vacuum and miscellaneous.

8701 Palisades Baycrest, Saturday 10-5, Sunday. 1-4. GARAGE Sale, Friday, Saturday 4, Sunday 9-5. Golf Clubs, weights press bench, piano, dining room table hutch hanging Bas- kets miscellaneous Odds Ends, large smoll. 611 Royal Crest Or.

Brandon. GARAGE Sale, 50 Albermarle, Davis Island, Sunday, May 22nd, 10am-6pm, refrigerator, washer, dryer, miscellaneous furniture, lawn mower. GARAGE Sale, 21st 22nd, lots of miscellaneous. 4422 Ohio Ave. GARAGE sale, furniture, ond clothes, Saturday and Sunday, 9AM-5PM.

549 Ladrone Davis Island. GARAGE Sole Saturday, furniture, refrigerator, gas stove, household articles, 1508 S. Howard. GARAGE sale, 128 Bos-phorous, Soturdoy, starting 8AM. Furniture, clothing, toys.

GARAGE sole, large variety, Friday, Saturday, 9-5, 3907 Americano Dr. Dano Shores. GARAGE Sale. Neighborhood Saturday, Sunday 9-3, Furniture, VW tires, clothing, 3614 Schefflera, Carrollwood. GARAGE Sale, Neighborhood, 5605 Branch Ave.

Saturday. Furniture, clothes, appliances. GARAGE Sale Saturday May 21st. 8:30 'til. Freezer, housewares, many miscellaneous Items.

7618 Rustic Drive. Twelve Oaks. GARAGE Sale, antiaues, collectibles and a little bit of everything. Saturday ond Sunday. 10905 N.

27th St. GARAGE sole, Saturday 9-3. 4719 Lodestone Baycrest Park. GARAGE Sale. Chiidrens clothing, adult ladies clothing, miscellaneous.

621 Stone Drive, Brandon. Saturday, Sunday. 7'X9' GARAGE Door, 2 doors, $5, $10; Wingback chair and oilman, $50. 885-1009. GARAGE sale.

Baby furniture, clothes. Stereo, couch, color TV. Miscellaneous. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, till 6. 3305 Orient Rd.

GARAGE Sale; Unbelievable. 4917 wisnort Blvd, Wells wood. Soturdoy-Sundoy, 8-5. GARAGE Sale. Material riot- polyester, conon, terseys, knits more Other Items too.

Friday Saturday. 3205 Folrooks Ave. GUMBALL Vending machine, antlaue, vends peanuts or gum. 130. 985-3558.

HAND Woven Chinese Au-bausson rug. Beautiful design. Excellent condition. 10X15, $1800. 257-8391.

HEATER-Gas, tools, furniture, more. Miscellaneous. Open Soturdoy. 1505 W. Mohawk.

HEATER, 35,000 BTU with stand, tank-V full, $50. 238- 0705. HOSPITAL Bed. metal head and foot board, 4 levitations, no mattress. $45.00.

831-3344. HOSPITAL bed, like new, $125. Cable winch, $75. 834-1331, 833-3951. HOSPITAL bed, $50.

Bureau. $15. 247-2841. JAPANESE Plum Trees, (10) $3.50 each; Portable Television, $39. 877-5293.

KAYAKS, Two $65 each. Queensize Box spring, mattress. $20. 839 0497. LAMPS (2), cottee table, 2 glass end tobies, oil good condition, complete price $100.

977-6511. LIGHTING Fixtures, electrical supplies. wholesale everyone. White Electric, 1204 W. Waters Ave.

MATTRESSBox Springs, $100. Spanish Headboard. $40. Full size. 877-3381, MATTRESS and box spring, double, $50.

835-0181. PAINT BELOW COST Natl Brands, Extrint Latex, colors, white 12.49 gal liquid alum $4.95, varnish $4.95 Mildew resistant outside white $4.95 Fiberglass resin $7.95 gal. 3602 E. 7th Ave. 241-2301 or 247-3719 PAINT-PANEL-RESIN All at good prices.

5120 Rear, Flo Ave 236-0121. PLAY Pen car seat, $25 for both. 839-5784. POLICE scanner $200 or best reasonable offer. 877-8635.

POOL, 24' round, good liner ond filter, $195. 689-8610. POOL Sand filter, ladder, skimmer, $85. Liner 12x24 $50. 877-2864.

POOL Filter, pump, motor, $100 total or offer. 839-3439 evenings. POOL Tobls, 4X8, balls, 6 sticks, complete set $80. 876-5408. POTTERY LESSONS Hand Bldg.

Wheel. Potters Wheel 8, Workshop. 932-30)9 RANGE, 30" self cleaning, excellent condition. $75. 626-3754.

REFRIGERATOR, GE, Frost Guard, two door tor sale. $150. 935-5105. REFRIGERATOR, 19 cubic, works, $100. Thom*osville In i ng set, $1 00.

971-4880. REFRIGERATOR, Frost free, 17 cubic foot, excellent condition, $140. 626-3754. RUG'S, broided, 8X9 $25; 8X5 $15. Good condition.

877-5684. RUG Red Block Tweed Rubber Backed. Newl $40. 876-7174. SEWING Mochine, Singer Zigzag, 6 mos old.

$62.50 or EZ terms. 253-6520. SEWING Machine, Zlg-ZIg, 2 drower cabinet, chair, $125. 932-3664. SEWING MACHINES SAVE 30 to 50 On Closeout Sole Of brand new famous makes in cartons, demonstrators etc.

Full factory warranty also reconditioned machines from $14.50 Sewing Machine Exchonge 310 S. MacDill 879 4666 SEWING mochine. straight stitch, portable, sews nice, $75. Kirby upright with attachments. Excellent, $50.

238 0637 SEWING Machine, (3) Excellent condition. Zig rag $40 00; straight stitch 120.00. 886-2869. TENT9xl2. 4 cots, stove, brand new lontern.

1150. 932-3664. TRAILER-Utility, heovy duty, good tires. 1150. 677-5008.

TRAMPOLINES 932-6917 TV Color 25" Sears, New picture $139.95. 932-7153 TV $19 DOWN Color TV. 35" Zenith console, like new, balonce of 1199 con be paid out $20 per mo, 9 payments. Fully guaranteed. Local credit required.

Thrifty TV 4703 Nebraska TV, $40. Wireless Intercom, $70. Typewriter, $30. Protector, $75. 255-8591, TV $14 DOWN Color TV.

33" RCA toble model, like new. Balonce of $149 can be paid out $15 per month, 9 payments. Fully ouoronteed. Local Credit required. Thrifty TV 4703 Nebrosko TV $9 DOWN Color TV.

31" Zenith console, like new. Balance ot $129 con be ooid out $20 per month, 4 payments. Fully guaranteed. Local credit required. Thrifty TV 4703 Nebraska TYPEWRITER, Remmlngton office Electric, types nice, $80.

Steel office aesk, nice, 1S5. Coll 338 0637 Utility Buildings FACTORY SECONDS Large 7x10 $89 10x10' $105 GROFF INDUSTRIES 9507 N. Trosk- I mile of Dole Mobry on Llnebaugh Open Dally 'til 4:30 Saturday 'til Noon WEDDING gown veil, $115. 1 Long gown, 125, 3 long gowns, $15 WEDDING Gown, Hit "lb," Victorian 'ttvie, veil Included, $95 00 fit6-7866. Do You Need A Nurses Aide? Coll 877-9444 day or night Medical Personnel Pool HOME NURSING CARE When vou need a nurse, nurse's aide or companion at reasonable rates.

QUALITY CARE 229-1561 ELDERLY core. Full or par-time. Aide experience. 5 Davs. Reference, cor.

223-6777. 1st class Roofer wants work. Have own eauipment, IS yrs expr Work guarn'td 233-811) LIVE In Companion to elderly, cook, driver, free to travel. (813)736-3547. PAINTING, Interior Exterior.

All types of home repairs. References. Free Estimates. 977-8908. FULL Charge bookkeeper, experienced, all office details, mature, dependable.

886-9024. ACCOUNTANT, heavy CPA firm, business experience. Available part-time. 877-4663. REMODELING.

Corpentrv, blocks, paneling, painting, rooting. 1st Class Estimates. 626-1521. Want Ads 272-7500 Merchandise 400-499 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE Special an water heaters. All sizes.

Form Home Hardware 3901 E. Hlllsboro 10 FAST Growing Sycamore Shade trees. 5' toll In containers, 11 50 each. 626-2028 2325 S. 70th St.

LAWN mowers, 125 135, vacu um 120. 83-660B. FINE- Noritake porcelain service for 12. Coromandel screen and cabinet. Chinese cloisonne, paintings and lacquer panels by famous Vietnamese artists.

879-6580, WROUGHT Iron Patio Set. 4 chairs, Girls bike 120. 2 Door Bar, top opens, glasses included, S6S. 257- 8391. AC.

6500 BTU, warranty. 1100. Bar. 2 Stools, 125. 932-9194.

AIR conditioner, 31,000 BTU, Excellent, 1140. 626-3754. AIR conditioner, 5,000 BTU. excellent condition, 160. 626-3754.

AC, 5000, 175. Panasonic Turntable, 130. suae protector, $45. 255-8591. ALR Conditioner, 1100.

3 Burner camp stove, new, 130. 237-6944. AC, excellent, GE, $60; 25" Zenith Color TV, $60. 238-3727. AIR Conditioner, 8,000 BTU, almost new.

1100. 839-6892. APARTMENT full of furniture, stereo, woterbed, TV's, guitar, desks, lamas, etc. Must sell. 935-5752.

APPLIANCES, Woody's, all brands. Free delivery In delivery limits. 7604 E. Broadway. 626-7787.

AQUARIUM, saltwater, 100 gallon, complete set-up, S300. 886-3149 evenings. BABY crib, carriage, changing table, many clothes, horse, swing, infanseat, more. $150 total. 37-6614.

BABY carriage, Marnet, portable, excellent. $70. Car seat, $15. 886-6147. BAR, Solid wood with upholstered chairs.

Beautiful Set. $170.00 837-6700. BAR, Solid wood with upholstered chairs. Beautiful Set. $170.00 837-6700.

BEAN BAG CHAIRS CONEY'S 315 S. Howard 258-2131 BED, King Size, Sears Orthopedic, like new. $200. 884-2669. BED, $25.

10 Teen sized 7 dresses, $3.50 each. 884-1976. BICYCLE; 20" Huffy, 3 speed, boys. Excellent condition. $35.

933-2054. BICYCLE, Motorcross, Yellow with black stripes. Good condition. 877-3023. BICYCLES, 3 speed, $35.

Lightweight, $30. Girls $18. Z2-JJJ1. BRIDAL gown. Cotton, veil.

crinoline, f-v. uu, evenings. BRIDAL Gown, long veil, size 910. Value $250, Sell $100. 839-5703.

BRIDAL gown, Chantilly lace, size 9. Originally $250. $75. 985-7566. CABLE Splicer, Busy Boy Tone, Western Electric amplifier I breokdown set, $400.

904-726-8079 Inverness. CALCULATOR, Cooler, Oictatlng Mochine, 837-1631, 833-4931. CARPET Hi-Low Shog Earth tones, golden brown 1 roil eoch $4.99 Castle 238-5983 CARPETS: Shags. Hilos. Commercial.

Below retail. Pad, Installation included. Sacrifice remnants. 877-3854. CARPET Tiffany hos 30 roles of brown or gold or green shag from targe condo.

project that can be installed over our pad at $5.09 per yard. Call 933-6136 or 935-7766. CARPET, $1 obove wholesale on oil carpels. 985 1786. Carpet Liv, bin Rms, Hall Big 200 sq ft latest styles colors pod, labor $119.

Lou 932-5316 CARPORT Sale, 4314 S. Thatcher Saturday-Sunday, 10-4. Miscellaneous bargains. CASH Register, excellent condition. $125 or best offer.

677-1601. CB Base station unit, 69 channels, side band, plus power mike. IS 1 -6S30. CHAIR, $75. Dinette, $50.

Black and white TV, $35. 886-7845. CHINA, lighted, $135. Vacuum cleaner, $30. Swivel rocker, $30.

971-4880. CLEARANCE SALE Furniture -Aopllonces -Surplus -Damaged -Used 'Floor Samples -Overstocks. MONTGOMERY WARD Warehouse Outlet Store 4902 Waters Ave 886 3772 CLOCK, Old BRA Steeple, chimes Vj hour-hour, 1150. 238-0787. COUCH, choir, $65 total.

Rocker Ottomon, $45. AC, $40. 988-8319. COUCH, Bedroom Suite. Excellent condition, $200 together.

971-9796. CRIB, makes Into youth bed, $50. Two youth beds, $20. Walker, swing, $8 each. 837- 4115.

CROSSTIES Railroad crosstles for sale excellent condition. $7.50 ond up delivered. Call 305-886-1105. DINETTE toble 110. Baby bed.

mottresssprlngs. $35. 11" black, white TV, $40. 682-6036 Lokelond. DINETTE, $65.

Formlco too, wood table, 4 choirs, $100. 971-4880. DINING Set, China Cabinet, Couch, Chair, End tobies, $5. 336-327) otter 5pm. DISHWASHER, Portable Chopping Block top, used 2 mos.

$200. 985-2350. Doors Reg. 189. Reduced $39.

621-5235. 6022 E. Columbus. DRYER, $25. Hi-Fi $20, dress-er, $25.

Phone 935-6452. DRYER $100. Refrigerator, too freezer $75. Complete bed $20. 935 8509.

ESTATE Sale, remaining con tents ot antique shop plus miscellaneous. 4112 San Pedro. 839 7148. FENCE installer will Install, deliver chain link. 677-4948 otter 7PM.

FOOSBALL table, $60. 17 Cubic foot froitfree refrigerator, ovocado, 1100886 9792 r69 FORD, running condition, bunk beds, mottress, ook antique dresser, other furniture, toy poodles. 231-587) weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays otter 5PM. FURNITURE stripping, refin Isnmg. Tuesday-Saturday 9 5.

W. Chase Son, 2717 i. Mac Dill, 837-2631. GARAGE SALE SAVINGS EVERY DAY en New Used Furniture. S-Pc.

Dinette $49; 4-Pc. Wood BR Suites $l29-More! AT AARON'S YOU SAVE! Man Sot 9 7 Sun 12 6 N. 56tn It, 621-9619 GARAGE-Estate Sole, Cloisonne prints, Cambridge JackN-PulpIt, glass animals, art Nouveau, More antiaues, Saturday. West Beacon Rd. Lakeland.

(813)683-1459. 400 ARTICLES FOR SALE STEREO $120, Coleman ice chest $10, animal carrier $10, 971-2874. LADY'S dresses, shorts, blouses, sizes 11, 12. Every-thing 825. 985-1619.

OPTIGAN orgon. $120. Leather convertible sofa, $50. 885-1997. TAMPA Preparatory patio sole.

May 21, 9-4. Electrical Building. 300 North Blvd. SALE. Riding mower, $75.

Cos aryer. 4. wrougn? iron roiling. $20. 1)0 Adallo.

8' GLASS Slidina doors. 175. 2 refrigerators, one dryer, as IS, ii eocn. 885-2436. LADIES Golf ClubsBaa, $100.

Fur Stole, $50. 886-2118 evenings COLEMAN floor furnace, 20' Pipe, 110 gallon tank, $100. 234-9221. WILL buy your appliances, air conditioners, working or not 626-3754. GREEN shog rug.

pad, 9x9, excellent, $40. 877-7128. PAIR photoaraohicallv en larged Italian prints, gold iromes, u. B-I2B. CUSTOM draperies, green open weove, iMxve.

$50. 877-7128. AC-DC Camper refrigerator. ai condition. $125.00 961 1634.

INVENTORY Sale while they last! Wholesale to the public, new fully automatic water sotteners. sibv.oo. jodean Lutz, Hwy. 41; 949-4313. SPINA Bifida oiant sidewolk Sale, May 19th thru 21st.

Donated articles welcome, 9 to 4. Winn Dixie Building loi 1 rt. enneav. REBUILT Used Bicycles. 20 $32, 20" $38, 2 10 speed $45.

S65. ti-iiva. SONY 8 track plover, record er. $50. Raleigh 3 speed bi cycle, $75.

988-5343. LONDON Fog Maincoat $45 Barons Suit $30, size 42 247-1090 SAMSONITE and American Tourister luggage. 884-7845. ARROW PAWN SHOP 1104 FRANKLIN KITCHEN table 4, choirs, morbletop co*cktail toble $20; V6I-1657. USED CROSS TIES 621-7534 LAWN mower.

$55 Dresser, 135. monuoi, $35. J37-3J42. CHURCH Pews. Solid Ook Excellent condition.

39-8' 36-18', 26-12'. 19-14'. plus ac cessories. Also 20-20' Solid Maple with Green velvet cushions. Will' sell oil or port.

Orlando 305-656-3505 Mr. Vorian. USED TV's, need repair, al for $35. 971-2962. 1JNCUIED Otthopedic Malt 5 pee Dinette $49 Chests jo 837-0505 3616 S.

Dele Mobry 401 AUCTIONS D8.D Auction Tues Sat 7:30 5eii-Troae, consignments. 1137 78th St. S.E. Ploza, 621-2991 Pork West Galleries presents a Public ART AUCTION sessions SATURDAY A SUNDAY, May 21 22 ot the HOLIDAY INN-Tompa-Int'l Airport, 4500 Cypress Avenue (1 blk. No, of 1-75275 West Shore Blvd.

exit). Ex hibition 4, Cash Bar Receo tion Free admission, parking catalog. custom-framed original signed ond num bered graphics, collector posters ond fine oil paintings from the collections of Ambrose Vollard, School of Paris Graphics ond Nobis Fine Arts. Alvar, Appel, Solotowsky, Broaue, Colder, Cassatt, Chagall, Doll, Degas, Escher, Folon, Frledlaender, Gauguin, Goya, Hogarth, Jouenne, Manet, Max, Menguy, Mlro, Neiman, pgimien, Picasso, Renoir, Vonderbilt, Vasarely, Viko. Welntroub ond others $25 to 5000.

Credit cards accepted. Dealers should bring proof of sales rox exemption, pieose oring this entire page with you for a REWARD! New hours. AAA Flea Market now open Frl nights. Fri 9-9 sat 9-5 Auction fri nights 4 Mi S. Hwy 60 on US41 (501h St So Too).

DiiS Auction, 5611 E. Brood-way. Every Friday 8, Sunday night starting at 8PM. Open daily. Consignments welcome.

621 381 1, 677 6134. GENERAL merchandise, Florida's oldest and largest deolers auction. Every Tuesday, 11am. 1536 Kathleen Road, Lokelond, 1 mile south of 1-4 on 35-A. 686-7997.

PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY May 20th. 7 P.M. Florida Auction Hwy 574 N. Parsons, Seffner, 685- 6055. 402 ANTIQUES 24 Antique Cratt Shops in Quaint Old Cigar Factory Ybor Square Nostalgia Mkt Sat Sun 9th Ave 14th St BUYING: Complete Estates I ghest prices.

935-9361 REFINISHING CLASSES Bring your furniture piece. Supplies Used Furniture Home Decorator Paints DeJonge's Finishing Touch 511 S. Howard Avenue 251-6882, 251-4476 CASH for Antiaues. furniture Anything of value 884-7810 UNDERGROUND TAMPA FLEA MARKET BARGAINS GALORE II Frl-Sat-Sun 4 to 5 4400 E. Columbus 676-0847 See: Household Llauldators' od under articles tor sole fop value flea market Corner Waters 4.

Anderson Rd OPEN Sat 8, Sun 884-7810 Orlenfol Rugs Antiques Wonted. Tompo, 227-3401. St. Petersburg, 822-4079. luvlng Antiaues, furn, fine China 935-6825; 932-7321 OAK Vanity, Server, lody't desk, dbl brass bed, rontop desk, sideboard, shoving stond.

689-3640, ANTIQUE SHOW-SALE CURTIS HIXON AUDITORIUM MAY 20-21-22 FRI. A SAT. 1PM I0PM SUNDAY 1 PM TO 6 PM ADMISSION $1.50 VICTROLA, hand crank up right, original working condition. True Collector's Item. Also Helsy Glass, etc, 685-0298.

WITH Ad 20 Olscount, Glassware, Sliver, Pictures, Kirton 2717VVemedy1 OLD RA wall silent clock. porcelain face-penauium, $175. 238 0787. CLOCKS, 1, 2, 3, wt. Vlenno Regulator, other won ciocxs, assortment of mantel clocks.

Sikes, Ja, Fl. 904-781-5954. IUY Furniture, antiaues ond orlentol rugs. Call anytime; 839 8053. NUMEROUS antiaues.

For In formation ond appointment, call 886 0408. LIBRARY Desk $40, crank phonogroon 150. Antique comero $40. 83I-240J, MAHOGANY Buffet, 100 veors Old. $400.00 COM 932 -132 tor appointment.

WE Buy Oriental Rugs, High est price. 1-726-7420. 1-725-6439, Ask Victor. BUY sell antiaues, books, col lectible postcards. Red Horse, Ybor Square, tvery-doy, 10-5.

244-7231. HUMMEL FIGURINES Cosh Paid. Eves. 176 5570, 380 EMPLOYMENT GENERAL OPENING NEW BRANCH Need I men ft 2 women. No experience necessory.

We troin you. Full ft port time. Opportunity to earn 1250-1350 per week to start. Phone 223-3090 for oppointment. TELEPHONE CONTACTS Guaranteed 12 SO per nr.

Bonus, or Part time. 621- 6974. BRANCH MANAGER Excellent storting salary ond growth potential. Experience in Savings and loan operations reauired. Rapid growth environment.

Send resume to Tribune-Times Box M-186. Equal Opportunity Employer. ELDERLY ladv to live-in room, board solary. No drinking. 231-8851.

IMMEDIATE opening for travel agent, minimum 3 years experience required. Reply to Tribune-Times Box S-218. FLORAL DESIGNER Part time. Must hove expert ence. Coll Si Slmonds, 839 1600.

CASHIER, part time weekends. Convenience store, Temple Terroce, Thonotosasso. Mr. David, 986-3637. WRECKER driver, chouf four's license.

Familiar with city and live southeast of Columbus Drive ond 15th. Street. 247-5491. MGMT. TRAINEE Excellent salary and growth potential.

Prefer business reloted degree, work in rapidly growing Financial institution. Send resume Trib une-Times Box N-187. Equal upportuniTv employer. FULL time cook. Institutional experience.

Apply personnel director, 839-6341. Tampa Osteopathic Hospital. EOE. COMMERCIAL Pest Control and Termite Salesperson. Salary plus commission, company established 1946.

Excellent reputation. Apply Young Pest Control, 3011 W. Piatt. JANITOR needed. Good opportunity for responsible person.

Must be willing to learn to operate itrt truck. Fine fringe benefits. Apply In person, Nu-AIr Manufacturing Anderson Rd. 4 Waters Ave. EOE.

TELEPHONE secretaries, 20 hours a week, Solary open. Experienced necessary. For appointment con 870-3434. OPERATOR. Doiier, exper working the cut.

1-726-0097 otter 7:30. EXPERIENCED Floor Machine operator, 3 nights a week, hours 5am-1)am. Apply in person only. House keeping Department, Holiday Inn, 4500 W' Cypress St. SECURITY GUARDS Full timepart time.

Uniforms ond benefits provided. Must nave transportation, can 932-6160. 9AM to 2PM only. Calls at other times will not be accepted. MODELS wonted.

Over 18. No experience necessary. Big money. 238-0929. Telephone Surveying PART TIME-FULL TIME Housewives-College Students.

Call between 3-9PM. 986-1341 HAVE opening for department supervisor. Must be know-ledgable of product line procedures. Fina fringe benefits. Good for advancement.

Apply in person, Nu-AIr Manufacturing Anderson Rd. Waters Ave. EOE. BUS Driver wanted, Monday through Friday, 8-5. Contact Mr.

Logon, 870-1300, 8-5. EXPERIENCED only, truck body builders, needed due to expansion. Good salary (, benefits. Apply 69IS Adamo Dr. GET THOSE EXTRAS We are now accepting appli cations tor Distributor-Employee Home delivery routes in the Tampa oreo.

If you hove good dependable transportation ana can post a reasonable cash bond, you can earn extra cash each week along with outstanding benefits. To apply phone M9-1981 from 10AM to 7PM. D. P. CONTROL CLERK Must have general data processing knowledge keypunch experience.

Wlil monitor insure production of all data processed to home office reports returning via IBM 3773 on the 4-12 Midnight shift. Apply personnel office, Women's Hospital, 3030 W. Buffolo. Equal Opportunity Employer PURCHASING Agent with marine experience preferred. Send complete resume of work history, references to: PO Box 1825, Tampa 33601.

KEYPUNCHER Minimum 1 year iob experl-ence on IBM 129 or 3740 reauired. Apply First Notional Bank of Florida, Personnel Dept. 31st floor, 1st Financial Tower. Equal Opportunity Employer. FLORIST Designer.

Good experience, background required. Call 681-1271 for oppointment. CARPET cleaners. Experienced managers, helpers and dyers. Reliable.

Good opportunity for advancement. 238-0500. THE Tampa Tribune Is now accepting applications tor Distributor-Employee Salespeople in the SIX MILE CREEK ond THONOTOSA5SA areas. It you have good dependable transportation and can post a reasonable cash bond, you con earn extra money each month. To apply, phone 685-S625, weekdays from 9AM to 4PM.

GIRL Model needed. Underwater photography work' Salary commensurate with experience. Will consider trainee. PO Box 2355, Tompa, 33601. MACHINIST, experienced In heovy mochine shoo.

Contact Captain Sikes 229-9301. TELEPHONE Solicitors, no selling, 3911 W. Alva, Drew Park, S-9pm shift. HEARD from the failures? Listen to a success. True Amwav tacts.

837-4558. 839-1536 nights. MATURE Telephone solicitors to work on Saturdays I-7PM and Sundays, 12-7PM, Top wages, bonus and other fringe benefits. We will train the right people. Full pay while training.

Contact Mr. Phillips. 879-0344. CANVASSERS, home Im provement, salary plus commission. Coll Mr.

Harrison, 971-9365, 10-2. CAREER Ooportunlty. The Nations largest Jewelry tlrm hos an opening for a full time office manager a port time sales person. Full compony benefits, ooply in person at Zales Jewelers University Square Mall. FULL or part time, no experi ence necessary, 1120 up to 8200 weekly after training.

Call Mr. Dunn, 621-5490 THE Tamoo Tribune Is now accepting applications tor Distributor-Employee Salespeople In the LUTZ and LAND 0 LAKES areas. If vou have good dependable transportation ana con post a reasonable cash bond, you can earn approximately 1100 per week. To opply phone J2S-1953 or 884 59S7, weekdays from 9AM to 4PM. TELEPHONE work- Start now part or tun time, day or eves, salary 12.75 hr.

i up bonuses; 879 5766 LIQUOR Pockoge store help. Port time. 626-6906 I-6PM, POODLE groomer, experienced to 1750 weekly. Will consider trainee. 223 6764.

FRUIT Pickers wonted. Paid daily. Call between and Monday thru Friday, 877 5477. WE Need machinists, must be capobie ot set-up, able to operate engine lolhes A milling machines. Coll tor Interview, 253-60JI.

EMPLOYMENT GENERAL TELEPHONE solicitors. 5-9PM. Solary ond commis-sion. B428 N. Nebraska Ave.

PART-time route work servic- uia FMlrAAjn rieorriorizers tn the Tamoo oreo. Arrange own schedules. Commission work, no selling. Cor needed. Awn nnre.

Write Rochester Germicide P.O. Drawer j. iumpo FIO. 3365 LAUNDRY Personnel needed. Apply in person.

Holiday tnn. 111 W. Fortune. TITLE INSURANCE Top Title Insurance searcher andor examiner needed for St.Pete orea. Coreer oppor tunity with a notional corp.

All innuiries strictly confi dential, Tribune-Times Box C-254 FULL TIME JOBS 18 Or Over Call 229-2343 bet. 9AM-JPM DRAFTSMAN NEEDED FOR LARGE KITCHEN CABINET MANUFACTURING CO. APPLY AT STAR KITCHENS 5513 W. SLIGH. GROCERY MANAGER Grocery chain seeks auolifled individuals to monage new stores In TampaSt.

Pete Orlando areas. Blue Cross, Blue Shield, disability, retirement, paid vacations. Excellent opportunity. Send resume to Tribune-Times Box R-243. EOE.

PEOPLE Needed to sell Flowers on Street corner, paid dolly, coll Dovld. 985-5393. TRUCKS NEEDED Tractors with wet lines for regular or tocol hauling. 904-796-4848. EXPERIENCED milker.

6 davs, 1132 plus bonus. Available 3 bedroom unfurnished house. Campoamor Modern Dairy, 1 blocks south of State Road 60 on US 301. OPENING for 7 lanltors in food plant. Apply 5821 E.

Causeway Blvd. OWNER OPERATORS We need 30 late model tractors ond reefers for yeor round lease operations. Also, tractors trailers for seasonal watermelon deals. Up tp 50 advance on loads, settlements ot the end of each trip. We pay 80 on yearly leases, plus a 3 annual bonus.

Call 645-2411 or 634-4817 for Information. OPPORTUNITY in wholesole food distribution company. Must have experienced In inter and intra state trucking. Warehousing, cold and dry. Inventory control, receiving ond distribution, customer relations Open salary and company benefits.

Reply with personal data in business experience to Personnel Director, P. Box 14327, Tompa. FL 33609. DISPLAY Person experienced to take over window operation for one of the south finest women's apparel chains. Must be willing to travel ond relocate to Pen-sacola, FL.

Salory, auto, ond fringe benefits. Send resume to Tribune Times Box H-207. CLEANING maintenance employees needed. 82.35 per hour to start. Call 988-5171, Ext.

287 after 6pm. GROUNDS and building main tenance person wanted. Must be able to repair and operate lawn eaulpment, and perform general corpentrv, electrical ond plumbing work. Must have truck. 223-6283.

APPLIANCE Technician, service malor household appliances. 223-3835. RETIRED or semi retired person to work port-time nights as a security guard. Uniforms furnished. Coil 884-5447.

SEWING Room, experienced In all phases of fabricating draperies using serger blind stitcher. 885-2731. COUPLE to manage 20 unit ooartment building. Free rent and utilities. Resume and references to PO Box 10917.

Tompa, Flo. 33679. ICE Cream truck peddlers. Apply 2502 E. wilder, East-gate Mlnnl Warehouse, Bay 34.

CAMERA CLERK DRUG CLERK Eckerd Drugs has positions ovauooie tor camera tier and Drug Clerk, Goad starting salary, employee discounts, profit sharing, excellent benefits, apply to Manager, Eckerd Drugs, Armenia Shopping Center. 6904 N. Armenia Ave. Tampa, or 8925 Terrace Plaia, Temple Terrace. An Equal Opportunity Employer TRUCK Driver needed for local deliveries, city knowledge a must.

Send post experience, references to: PO Box 1825, Tompa 33601, BOOKKEEPER Full knowledge of bookkeeping required. We will troin you on NCR 399. Position available now. Write Tribune Times Box A 252 stating experience 8 salary expectations. EOE.

EXPERIENCED Service Station Personnel. Minimum 2 years exp. in large station. Must be neat and personable. Apply in person, 9-12, 1002 N.

Westshore. HOUSEPARENT Live-In group care. Salary, meals, AC apt. EOE. Children's Home, 855-4435.

SEWING Room Supervisor, experienced in oil phases of fabricating draperies. 855- 2731. TRAVEL AGENCY MGR Manager or asst. manager experience. Excellent potential.

Send resume to Tribune Times Box 236. SCHILLERS Delicatessen has on opening for a mature saleslady. Knowledge of German necessary. Call for appointment, 834-3381. FULL Time light lobor Shrimp workers needed.

Peeling and Breading departments. Apply In person only, Monday through Thursday, I-4PM. 4819 N. Cooper Place (Orew Park). No phone calls accepted.

AUTOMOBILE upholsterers ond ylnyl top needed. Top pay. Also upholsterers helper. 232-4711. COUPLE with mobile home.

Live and work on our grounds. Maintain grounds plus club house. Salary plus benefits. Need references. 884-3935.

DELIVERY person, deliver pitias. Must be 18. Jersey Joe's Pino, 933-3058. LONG Distance driver needed, produce. Experienced only, Tampa located.

4-6PM, 932-8057. COLLECTOR Wanted, Adver tising and Tickets, experl-ence preferred, economical car helpful. Call Richard at 837-2018. D1DT TIUE 3-5 hour's dally, Chauffeur's license necessary. Knowledge of Bay Area helpful, but not necessory, Call between 9AM-12 Noon, 879-8512.

PAINTER oalnl new used truck bodies along with some body work. Experience necessory. Apply in person: Transtat Eaulpment, 5502 Anderson Road. JOURNEYMAN, lob shop ma chinist, call Bart Long, 872-8391. WANTED Reodv mix concrete truck driver.

Equal Opportu-nlty Employer. 247 4768. BANDS needed for Wednesday ond Saturday evenings. Dixieland, Soft Rock ond Country. Ploy for two hours, receive malor exposure.

Call evenings, 186-3111 or 886-5768. TRUCK Driver with stable work history to drive 26' van, nights, Monday-Friday, for national auto ports company. 932-6167 for appointment. Equol Opportunity Employer. ROUTE Soles, mole or female.

Apply 602 b. Auauppn, No phone colls. ELECT. MECH. MAINTENANCE Experienced reauired In all gnoses ot Industrial controls, electrical wiring diagrams, power transmission, onue-matics, hydroullcs 8, general maintenance in food processing plant.

Soiory commensurate with ability. Good benelits with national company. Call 894-0156, $1. Pete, weekdays. 380 380 EMPLOYMENT "GENERAL WILDERNESS COUNSELING Immediate openings.

(4) coun selors seeking challenging year round opportunity in a therapeuticwilderness camp for problem cfrildren in need of a friend. Must be willing to live with group, take part in exfentea conoe, backpack, ond-bus trips. De gree preferred but life expe rience will, be considered. Training, excellent coreer benefits, excellent staff backup, advancement. For informotion write Counselor, Route, 1, Box 575M, Brooks-ville, Flo.

33512. Equal opportunity employer Mr- ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST. RENTAL AGENT Sharp outgoing individual to double as a Secretary to the Vice President as Leasing Agent for a nice Tamoo apartment community. Accurate business letter typing required. Excellent opportunity, solary Free Aport- ment.

coll SB5-3VB2 to quail' ty. TRACTOR Trailer drivers 621-3071 MANAGEMENT TRAINEES To 1230 wk start. Several post lions. Rapid advance. Republic Personnel 977-8970 Trainees Chemical Field Pest Control bkgr pref EOE Wm.

Flowers Assoc 259-1157 GENERAL'-LABORERS Shippingreceitfingwore-house work. We have openings for the above on temporary basis. You must hove a car home phone. We Interview between 10AM-4PM. Manpower Temporary Services.

23a W. Kennedy. 253-2787. GENERAL Office. Typing, filing.

postingi-Must be notary with good handwriting. Apply 1908 Busch EMPLOYMENT 1. We advertise our fees! 2. Florida's largest agency! 3. Experienced Counsellors! 4.

Prearranged interviews! 5. Current Local positions! 2410 E. Busch Blvd. Suite 106 933-4087 5200 W. Kennedy Blvd.

Suite 265 877-8255 220 W. Brondon Blvd. Suite 100 681-4858 Clearwater Federal Bldg. Fee l'i Weeks Salary-TERMS OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT High Paving Jobs Most Fields 679-04U personnel COUNSELLOR TRAINEE Business Men Cleoring House 1401 Westshore, 879-3151 SOME of the worlds highest paid people sen insurance! Find out how! 872-8433. We know you can get a better iobl Call Shellee Personnel 870-3303.

Expanding Company needs neat ODoearJno people with own transportation for display work. Full time only. Coll 879-2914. EXPERIENCED Diesel Mechanic needed. Good references.

Must be able to overhaul Mock, Cummins Detroit engines. 40 to 45 hours a week. Insurance plon, paid vacation, paid holidays. Salary open. Coll 752-6176 or Tampa 229-0791.

MANAGEMENT TRAINEES FRANK LEONARD Personnel 813) 872-1853 We'll Teoeh you the Life Ins Bus Start JJOOWk Metropolitan Life Mr. Arthur 961-8871 CAREER OPPTY'S Troplcana Products, 1001 13th Ave Bradenton M-F MAN with economical car tor collection work, 1908 E. Busch. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWER TRAINEE $175wk spot bonus. Enthusiastic only.

Plush, private offices, Exciting spot! 870-1234 KEY PERSONNEL HELP! Help! 84-S6 overage hourly taking orders tor Fuller Products. Ideal for housewives. We train, 689-0184. RETIRED able bodied man for CaretakerMqrrager smoll trailer pork, in exchange Trailer, space, water, sewer, oorbage, small salary. Tribune-Times Box 0-128 SHOE STORE MANAGER Experience required, top salary, paid 'vocation, group Insurance.

Apply In person, to Mr. Morton, Self Service Shore Stores, 4307 S. Dole Mabry Hwy, Tampa. Ph. 837-1578.

ID checkers for co*cktoll lounges. Tampa and Brondon areas. Part time ond full time. Apply 3015 W. Kennedy.

No phone colls. DELIVERY Contract. Good worker. Interesting person. Apoointment, 872-8737 Horn-4om RETAIL Roufe sales personnel.

Sales experience necessary. Good salary. Apply between 8-10AM, Sunnybrook Dairy, Harnev ond Davis. No phone calls'- MOBILE home repairman. Must have knowledge of carpentry, plumbing and some electric.

Experienced only. 1-754-1821. MIXER Man with chauffeur license for marcite crew. Coll 677-6287. EXPERIENCED 82-70 A.M.F.

Machines Pin chasar for part time Major League Lanes East, ,13 109 N. 56th St. 985-4468. NEED experienced title searcher, preferably with C.L.S. designation.

Good opportunity for the right person seeking full-time employment. Send resume to Gulf Coast Title Ill N. Main Brooktvllle, Flo. 33512. MAJIK Market Muntord Store), needs full, port time people.

Full training, various locations, shifts. Company benefits. Take advantage bv applvlna in person: Gowers 5R 52-Hwy 41, Tampa 7008 Hanley Rd. at Woodbrldge; Seffner US 92 Williams Rd. No phone colli please.

Equal Opportunity Employer MF. SIDING apollcators-vlnyl. Top dollar, living auarters. and must hove all equipment. Steady work.

713-838-5268. FURNITURE Upholsterers, experienced only, excellent potential. Apply Fashion Cratt Manufacturing Com-pany. 4705 W.Covuga. Need extra money? No investment, no delivery, pay weekly, be Sorah Coventry lewelry representative.

855-5124, 677-6371, 886-6282. INSURANCE Premium Auditor, experience reauired, limited travel, good employee benefits, send resume to Shelby Mutual Insurance Co. P.O. Box 1197 Winter Pork FL 32789. MODELS.

WILL TRAIN. 932-337? TRAVEL Agerr -Minimum 2 years experience domestic International ticketing, tours, cruises. Send resume to Sharon Sandler, P.O. Box 371, Tampa, Flo. 33601.

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The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.