How To Use Babbel As A Student (2025)


How To Use Babbel As A Student (1)

How To Use Babbel As A Student (2)

Babbel is one of the stalwarts of the online language-learning sphere.

How To Use Babbel As A Student (3)

How To Use Babbel As A Student (4)

Babbel exceeds expectations, delivering high-quality, self-paced courses.

Recommended by learners like you

Learning from home can be a bit of a challenge if you’re used to going to school every day, having set times for each lesson, and being surrounded by friends and teachers you can ask about almost anything.

That being said, learning from home, just like working from home, can lead to a more productive use of your time and discovering new ways to learn — ways that fit your specific learning style, interests and preferences.

Read on to learn more about Babbel for student use and how to make the app a complement to your language studies at home. We're offering students in the U.S. a 3-month discounted Babbel subscription for $14.99. Visit our student portal to find out moe.

How To Use Babbel As A Student (7)

How To Use Babbel As A Student (8)

What Can I Learn With Babbel?

How To Have Real Conversations

The core of Babbel’s method is real-life conversation. Our aim is for learners to have a conversation right from the start, so the language lessons are built around realistic dialogues. Each Babbel lesson has a learning goal, something that you’re able to do after finishing the lesson — to “talk about last weekend,” for example. The grammar and vocabulary you need to fulfill the learning goal are taught in context. This means that to be able to talk about last weekend, you need to learn how to form the past tense as well as pick up vocabulary for hobbies and activities.

Vocabulary And Grammar Lessons

The vocabulary and the grammar are repeated enough for you to learn them and lock them in, and in varying ways throughout the lesson, always in a real-life context. You practice speaking (with our speech recognition system), listening and reading comprehension, and translating.

Culture And Practical Information

Babbel also teaches you relevant information about culture and practical language use. When do you use the formal address? Is a particular word considered slang or can you use it with the taxi driver? Should you tip the waitstaff in France? What are the most common mistakes American learners make in Spanish? Babbel answers questions like these because the courses are made by teachers and we’re trying our best to be your teacher — even though we won’t meet in person!

Making The Most Of Babbel For Students — Where To Begin

Which Babbel Level Is Right For Me?

At Babbel, the levels for languages like Spanish and French go from Newcomer (where you learn to say hello, introduce yourself, order food at restaurants, numbers and colors, etc.) to Advanced (where you learn to express yourself in detail, discuss and argue, and use more complex sentence structures). It can be tricky to figure out which level is right for you, because Babbel is not aligned with standard school curriculum, Common Core, or college syllabi, but there are a few guidelines:

  • If you’re brand new to a language, or just want to review from the very basics, start with Newcomer.

  • If you’ve started learning your language fairly recently and know the basics, try starting with Beginner I.

  • If you’ve studied for a couple of years already, try Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate.

Where Should I Start With Babbel?

Try The Lesson Reviews

Knowing how to get started using Babbel is the key to taking advantage of your language learning. A good trick that we’ve heard from many Babbel users is to go through all the lessons that indicate “review” (for example, ¿Qué tomas? Review) in the courses that interest you. By doing this, when you get to a place where you think, “Oh, okay, I don’t know this,” then Part 1 of that same unit is a good place to start! Don’t be upset if you realize you need to jump back a level — it only means that what you don’t know now, you’ll know in a couple of days of learning, right?

Brush Up On Grammar

If you are a bit further on in your studies, the Grammar section is useful to check out. Grammar is something that a lot of learners struggle with, and using a language learning app like Babbel to reinforce topics from school in a new way can do wonders.

Choose Topics That Interest You

But in general, don’t worry too much about finding the perfect place to start. Browse the courses and start any lesson that sparks your interest. Why not learn the names of animals or different types of sports if that’s what you love? In the end — and this is the great part — anything you learn will make you a little better at the language. The more Spanish (or French, German, or whatever you’re learning) you listen to, read, and are exposed to in other ways, the better. That’s why watching a movie or a TV show in another language or listening to music or a podcast actually counts as studying, if you listen actively and pay attention.

How To Use Babbel As A Student (9)

How To Use Babbel As A Student (10)

What To Expect In Babbel Lessons

How Babbel Will Help You Improve

In each Babbel lesson, you train all the four elements of language learning: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Here are some of the different types of lessons you’ll encounter.

  • Listen and repeat new words and phrases out loud, then get feedback from the speech recognition system.

  • Speak one part of a dialogue and get corrected by the speech recognition system.

  • Write answers about what happens in recorded conversations between native speakers.

  • Listen to dialogues and fill in the gaps.

  • Read and choose the correct word depending on translation, context, or based on grammar rules you’ve just learned.

  • Read texts and answer questions about them.

  • Practice writing with fill-in-the-gap exercises.

Review Early And Often

After you’ve completed a lesson, your new words from that lesson will automatically show up under “Review”. You can then choose to review your vocabulary with flashcards, listening exercises, speaking, or writing. This is the best way to remember what you’ve just learned, and we recommend that you do a review session after 2 or 3 lessons to make sure the words stick!

How To Build A Successful Language-Learning Routine

Learn How To Divide Up Your Time

A major challenge in self-directed learning is knowing how to manage your time. How much should you be studying, and when? Babbel can help you structure your time and your routine to make the most of your learning.

  • Stick to a learning routine at the same time each day, like doing a lesson after breakfast or before bedtime. (The Babbel app has reminders you can set to a certain time of day.)

  • Learn more effectively by doing a little at a time instead of cramming a lot of lessons in at once. We recommend studying 10-15 minutes a day (the length of a typical Babbel lesson).

  • Structure Babbel around your class curriculum by completing a lesson or review session before class to warm up or after class to lock in what you’ve learned.

  • Take advantage of the concept of blended learning, in which you learn a specific subject (like Spanish adjective endings) on your own time then use class time with your teacher and classmates to ask questions, practice speaking and review the topic.

Personalize Your Language Learning With Babbel

Forming a language-learning routine is easier when you’re actually engaged with what you’re learning, meaning you’re more likely to build a lasting habit. Luckily, Babbel offers a lot of ways for you to personalize your study plan to make it work for you.

  • Choose the topics that are the most relevant and interesting to you to fill in the gaps in your class curriculum, keep your enthusiasm high and make what you’re studying really feel like your own.

  • Use the mobile Babbel app if you’re someone who likes to learn on the go, or try the desktop version of Babbel if you like to have a more focused and deliberate way to study that allows you to take notes, for example.

  • Take a break from conventional studying with Babbel’s multimedia learning content, like our French and Spanish podcasts that you can take with you wherever you go.

Practice Collaborative Language Learning With Peers

Another efficient way to form a lasting habit and routine is to involve other people, which has two main benefits: you commit to learning more if you feel like you answer to someone else, and of course, it’s extremely beneficial to practice speaking with a real person instead of talking to yourself. Take advantage of the fact that you have peers studying the same language as you!

  • Invite some of your classmates to a video call after you’ve all completed the same lesson and review what you learned.

  • Ask questions to your classmates and fellow students to clarify what you don’t know about the content, and try to answer the questions others pose to you.

  • Act out the dialogues at the end of each Babbel lesson to bring the language to life and simulate real-life conversations you’d have with native speakers.

  • Whether over video chat, on the phone or in person, try having a real conversation with a classmate in the language you’re learning for as long as you can.

We hope that what you’ve just read makes you feel confident to use app-based learning as a complement to your studies. Knowing your motivation already, having a social network of other learners, and committing to a habit means that you’re already in a great position to use Babbel as a student, to learn a lot and to improve!

We’re proud to offer students in the U.S. a 3-month discounted Babbel subscription for $14.99. Visit our student portal for more details.

Connect With Babbel

Stay in touch and share how your learning is going!

  • Visit Babbel Magazine for articles about language, culture and free learning resources.

  • Follow us @BabbelUSA on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

  • Subscribe to BabbelUSA on YouTube for fun language trivia

  • Ask questions and join the conversation on our Everything Language Quora space

And if you have specific questions about learning a language with Babbel, feel free to contact us at

Good luck, and happy learning!

How To Use Babbel As A Student (2025)


How To Use Babbel As A Student? ›

Stick to a learning routine at the same time each day, like doing a lesson after breakfast or before bedtime. (The Babbel app has reminders you can set to a certain time of day.) Learn more effectively by doing a little at a time instead of cramming a lot of lessons in at once.

Is Babbel free for students? ›

Whether you're determined to get ahead in your foreign language classes, prepare for future adventures abroad, or just trying to keep your mind busy, we're here to support you. We're proud to offer college students in the U.S. a 3-month discounted Babbel subscription for $14.99.

How to get Babbel for free without paying? ›

Registration with Babbel is completely free of charge and the first lesson in every course is free to try. (Depending on the language you choose, that's 30-80 free lessons!)

How does Babbel help students? ›

Reach your learning goals quickly, easily, online and fuss-free: The proven Babbel method features short, flexible lessons, tailored to your skill level, as well as a variety of fun activities, live classes, podcasts and more that you can easily fit into your daily routine.

What are the disadvantages of Babbel? ›

Another downside for the polyglots: Babbel currently only offers 14 different languages, almost all of them European. What's more, some language courses are more developed than others. It's expensive: Babbel is quite expensive for a subscription to a desktop program, especially if you choose to be billed monthly.

Is rosetta stone or Babbel better? ›

The primary difference between Babbel and Rosetta Stone is lesson format. The lessons from Babbel are more comprehensive and engaging than the repetitive, image-heavy lessons from Rosetta Stone.

Is Babbel no longer free? ›

There is no charge to register, and the first lesson in every course is free. Babbel also offers discounts for select groups. College students, for example, can save 65% on a three-month subscription, bringing the cost down to $15.99 for access to the app for three months.

What's better than Babbel? ›

What is better than Babbel? Duolingo is a great choice for people who don't want to pay for Babbel, and some people even find that the app is a better overall fit. On Duolingo, you'll get to experience real-life conversations, and speech recognition software can help you work on your pronunciation.

Is Babbel enough to be fluent? ›

However, Babbel isn't perfect. I don't think it's fair to expect yourself to become fluent in Spanish, or any other language for that matter, just using a language learning app. But, it's a good starting point. You can go over grammar rules and memorize vocab, and that's a core component of learning a language.

What is the success rate of Babbel? ›

Overall 92% of the participants improved their language proficiency.

Which app is better Duolingo or Babbel? ›

Approach to learning

The biggest difference between Babbel and Duolingo is the approach to language learning. Babbel is a better option if you want traditional language instructions through modules and lessons. By contrast, Duolingo works great if you need a playful, gamified experience.

How much does Babbel really cost? ›

How much does Babbel cost per month? Babbel offers several different monthly subscription options, which all retail for $15 per month. However, as Babbel is almost always running sales, the true cost for Babbel's subscription options after applying discounts is closer to $7 to $14 per month.

Is Pimsleur better than Babbel? ›

Put simply, Pimsleur is much better than Babbel at developing your listening comprehension and speaking skills. One of the biggest accelerants of learning a new language is getting frequent, heavy doses of verbalization.

What is better, Duolingo or Babbel? ›

Approach to learning

The biggest difference between Babbel and Duolingo is the approach to language learning. Babbel is a better option if you want traditional language instructions through modules and lessons. By contrast, Duolingo works great if you need a playful, gamified experience.

How many Babbel lessons are free? ›

See our courses for yourself

Tip: Don't forget that the first lesson in every course is free for you to try. (Depending on the language, that's 30-80 free lessons!)

Is there a completely free language learning app? ›

Duolingo is the fun, free app for learning 40+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons. Practice speaking, reading, listening, and writing to build your vocabulary and grammar skills.

Does Babbel have a fee? ›

The price for a Babbel subscription changes depending on whether you get it in the app or on the website. The base price on the web is $14.95 per month, but $17.99 per month in the app. The per-month price decreases when you pay for several months in advance.

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.